Sorry to hear that. As we just covered in another thread that wouldn’t actually likely happen with LiIons… That spark means your pack won’t be able to get an ISafe rating, so don’t take it to any chemical factories! If your King Kong upgrade can’t be made to spark like that after you build it, this could be amazing “on the job”!
When I shorted 3 cells in a Dell Inspiron pack, I got pictures…
The wire-whacking may make it difficult to do this, but it’s pretty important to track down what that “extra” circuit board does. My guess would be it’s a protection AND monitoring circuit (maybe half of a 2-part set) which interfaces with that charging port and status display you mentioned.
“Thinking wrong”?? Not IMNERHO! I’m thinking you’re probably right (and I’d wager Olight would love to know too), but I’d still try to track down what that “extra” circuit board does…
It was probably not a Good Idea to whack all the wires that way… But even that’s not “wrong”!!! You will get lots of practice soldering now!! Plus, tracing all the cut wires will help improve a lot of processing skills too… It might be easier to retrace them ASAP, while the “uncut” view is still fresh…
I’m thinking your thinking is launching you on a pretty amazing-looking career as a hacker/modder/hot-rodder, which puts you in some amazing company. And I should remind you not to test your work by pointing it at anything you don’t want to go blind!