Been a While....What is highest BLF Lumens Light

I’d get a D4v2 before the FW3A to be honest, the FW3A just gets too hot too fast

Where do I get this D4v2? Any codes? I have the FW3A on order but if this light is great I will buy it as well. Trying to find a simple review on it.

Here or here mate

I got my D4V2 from Mtn Electronics. It’s priced very good. I ordered the D4SV2 from Hank at International Outdoor. The Aux LEDs are cool and it’s a really nice light.

D4V2 is my favorite light! It is very similar to the FW3A in form factor but it is an amazing light and far brighter. Here’s the review from TK:

Well… When you say BLF light, do you mean specifically designed by BLF members? Or do you mean any manufacturer that you can find on here but not in a place like big 5 and Walmart?

Imalent has reached the 100,000 lumens mark with the ms18. Acebeam released a beast of a thrower in the K75.

LED technology has been increasing rapidly in the last year or so. If you are looking for a budget thrower, look up the Astrolux FT03. There is an active groupbuy and it’s quite cheap.


In the Just Released but few delivered category, maybe EDC18 or MF01 Mini? The 18 is a side clicky FW3a variant, and the MF01 Mini isn’t a BLF collaboration, but it does run Anduril and have some nice features.

You missed Giggles, THE big dog of big dogs. Check out the BLF GT70, it will reach out @ 2 miles. It may impress your friends, it may equally terrify them. It’s almost too much. How can everyone forget it so soon?

He asked for the highest lumen light, not biggest that throws the furthest lol

Isn’t that the brightest though?

Q8 has over double the Lumens of the GT

Only if you refer to the XHP35 version, the XHP70 version is driven HARD !

XHP70 wasn’t a BLF light :wink:

(technicalities lol)

I disagree, it was made possible by several BLF members

The GT group buy came with the XHP35, not the XHP70, that was a later option

I also disagree, as there were effectively two different Group Buys.


2. BLF GT70

One can find all flashlights with BLF DNA here and the BLF Master List here


- SAM -

Yep, ask TA.

I disagree

Astrolux MF01S is most lumens BLF light
just not BLF Logo on the light but firmware, driver/Aux and MCPCB designed with BLF members
>12k lumens right out of the box
driver spring factory bypassed

I totally agree, although my response was just for GT70 being a BLF flashlight/group buy

Thanks for keep this back to topic, so Astrolux MF01S it is


- SAM -

Just ordered the MF01S to add to my collection!

I checked out giggles and got tickled! My also order the MF01 mini. 4 new lights to play with is enough after a brief step away from the flashlight world. I use all my lights often….I really really like the onboard chargers! But I try to look at that option last. The lantern is exciting as I am always working on things under a car or my airplane etc. A nice headlamp and lantern works great.