Cheers. I kind of understand based on the TIR lights I own: Sofirn IF19 and HS21, and I like it. IF19 is a dedicated semi-thrower (I may just have created a new class of flashlights…). By my estimate the hotspot cone angle for it may be around 9 degrees. The HS21 Spot emitter is probably about twice as obtuse, with a smaller bezel.
Have you tried any of the TIR optics on the S21E?
Also: how different the ‘bead’ and ‘matte’ diffusing finishes work in practice - what exactly do they do to the beam?
I sadly don’t know too much about TIR’s, and perfer reflectors. There was a topic posted disscussing if TIR or reflectors were best, and most perfered TIRs then. From what I know, the angle and surface of the TIR should mostly just affect the concentration and throw, not really the beam pattern in any other way.
Here is a picture I found. It is not really the best, but it helps to some degree.
Just order a bunch of TIRs and try them. No words or photos can teach you quicker than hands on experience. They are like a couple of cents each. After playing with them for a while you will have a good understanding of what TIR can do and choose the one you like best.
I would recommend a 21700 lights as while size-wise they are very compatible with 18650 ones you will get significantly higher battery capacity.
I can recommend to give Convoy M21H a try if you consider TIRs. It’s 21700 flashlight shipped with 12 degrees TIR stock. I went with XHP70.3 HI R70 - 4000K emitter and can absolutely recommend it if you’re good with lower CRI.
Great thing about this light is that you can order a bunch of TIRs from Convoy website from 3 to 36 degrees for this light which costs like nothing and takes seconds to swap. I prefer 8 degrees TIR on mine.
You will have great floody beam with no hard cutoff and borderless spill, very pleasant tint, efficient boost driver and if paired with 6000mAh Vapcell 21700 - pretty long runtime. It’s side eswitch flashlight, mine has 12 groups.
I also have Convoy S21B (21700) with same emitter and op reflector, it’s a mechanical tail switch flashlight. While it’s a little smaller than M21H I kinda prefer the latter as ai’m sucker for TIRs
For those considering Convoy lights whose priorities include high CRI and sustained output, I’d recommend the Nichia B35AM over the XHP50.3 HI R9050. Peak output is less for the Nichia because it can’t handle as much current, but sustained output is about the same because that’s limited by heat, and the two are equally efficient.
Color rendering, however is much better with the Nichia, especially R9, which affects rendering of reds, browns, and oranges.
It’s not driving the B35AM as hard as it could with a better MCPCB, but it still outperforms the 519A in terms out output (I’m pretty sure both peak and sustained - definitely sustained). The 519A might have a little more throw.