Best 18650 for under $45

Hi all,
I have been coveting the Skyray King Flashlights for quite some time. My wife tried to get me one for Xmas and it seems they are discontinued on Fasttech.
My question is: what is the best flashlight for under $45 (approximate cost of the SkyRay King she was going to get me)
Only Requirements:

  • Uses my 18650 batteries
  • good quality
  • Emphasis on “throw”
    Thanks in advance!


Not a perfect throw light but do you want to stick to the form factor of a SRK?

If you are in a hurry, the Supfire M6 is well reviewed, and just under your limit:

Convoy C8 XPL HI V2 with new driver and AR glass

if you want mod in a DTP star and FET +1 driver