98mm has the tendency to crossthread...but it is not that big of a deal as it would be on aluminium threads...my 93mm was a lot better in that respect but still not ideal. The threads of most budget lights come bone dry resulting in a nice "Sqeeek"... so some lube might also be a good idea. The threads of the Maratac are still better machined. I am not the biggest fan of GITD parts and would swap them out against black parts (18 mm I think?)...especially the front O-ring as is seems to give the beam colour a slightly green tint on the very outer rim. Our own Mr. Admin tested the Manafont 3-mode version (current regulated or high PWM?), which would be also a very nice candidate. Since you live in the US of A you should also get some nice Fenix clips. (share a lot with other BLFians if you can't reach the minimum $10 mark, shipping is only $1) My general beef with SS lights is the weight in EDC role, but they do make some nice heavy duty lights.
Additional candidates with more "bling":
The CQG S2 would be my favorite choice due to size, weight, tint and price, if it wouldn't have those darn switch issues. But until someone plays the guinea pig on their new "fixed run", I will not order it.