Best bulbs for vanity light

I should probably mention that my eyes are weird, and warm white 2700K bulbs (even high-CRI ones) make my eyes hurt. Everything looks all yellow; my eyes never adjust to the color temperature. I find 4500K to 5000K much more comfortable, and don’t mind cool fluorescent lighting at all unless I’m trying to discern subtle color differences.


I see everthing is yellow after i see the warm white bulb for a short time,but the same as daylight bulb,i see a lot of black spot .Is something wrong with my eyes?

how did you manage in the time of incandescents?

Badly. My eyes bugged out a lot. If I tried to read on paper, it didn’t take long before my eyes stopped seeing color entirely, and all I could see was the contrast or edges. It looked like black and white were constantly inverting a hundred times per second, or light grey and dark grey anyway, and it was rather uncomfortable.

It wasn’t long before I got a fluorescent lamp installed by my bed so I could read without issues, and I always did just fine reading from a computer screen (though black text on a white background still hurts a bit since I’m photosensitive… I prefer lower brightness and lower contrast). Green on black was great. Or amber on black. Or light grey on dark grey. It’d be nice if BLF had a darker theme available.

It doesn’t matter.i am a color weakness,i can’t distinguish the colors clearly,so it always make me uncomfortable after i see any light too long.i am better now with the time goes,the ability to distinguish colors is better,not feel uncomfortable like that.

There are people who had a way to make their own BLF theme colours on their computer, but i have no idea how to find that thread, it was a while ago, maybe last year

Oh, a client-side thingie could rewrite the page for me… but it’s not really worth the effort. :slight_smile:

Oh,please tell me if you find this thread,thank you

Disclaimer: the following tools require HTML/CSS knowledge, and/or much time to learn and fiddle around…

If you want control over the styling of a web site, you could try Stylish:

It’s a plugin for Firefox and Chrome.
There is a theme for BLF as a starting point:

To see what you are doing and try things out quickly, you can use a web debugging tool to see HTML styling: (Firefox only)

Okay, since you pretty much handed it to me on a platter… I grabbed the plugin and theme for it, and changed pretty much everything to be darker.

Now BLF looks like… 50 shades of grey. Dark grey. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But this is BLF, you should see the light and more of it :smiley:

Thank you very much for this, I did not know of this. Helps a lot since I have a 27 inch monitor and the white of BLF blinds the hell out of me. Now how to make the white of the page a little grey…

If it helps, here is the modded CSS I made for BLF with the “stylish” plugin:

There’s still some weirdness with table padding or margins or borders, and a little weirdness with new private messages, and I failed to get text boxes to go darker, but for the most part it works and makes the site a lot less blinding.

It’s still fitting though… there’s a big dark void, and the things people say here provide light in the darkness.

Copied saved and enabled. Here I am, again, thanking you. My eyes can take a rest now.

now your getting poetic