Best li-ion capacity tester?

If not the SkyRC then Opus BT-3100 v2.2 gets my vote without breaking the bank.

Thanks Pete! I don’t mind the slow free shipping. Free is my favorite 4 letter word :slight_smile:

Well, Amazon has free shipping as well, if you have Prime. I am seeing them on Amazon for $25 with free 2-day shipping. Personally I’d rather pay $4 extra to not have to wait a month to get it. :slight_smile:

I went ahead and ordered the Lii-500 from Aliexpress. Opus I’ve heard and seen good about also. Just might order me one of them also in the future. Most likely I will knowing me :open_mouth:

I hear ya about the shipping but I don’t have prime :(. But for sure I’d pay 4 bucks more for 2 day shipping if I could.

Mikaedoo, if you are using the Chrome browser, the BLF Chrome Extension may be helpful in finding the best deal on a Liitokala Lii-500 right now. You can get one from Amazon for $24.99 including AC and 12V power supply in a couple of day. Use this price as a baseline and see if you can do better by shopping around. You may be able to purchase one from China for under $20.00 including an AC power supply (I did, on sale). From my limited experience, It is a great analyzing charger for the money.

I am currently on my iPad mini using safari internet. How does the chrome extension work? I use chrome a lot. As my main browser when I’m not on my iPad.

I just ordered Li-500 for 20.99 off of Aliexpress.

Just got my paycheck and don’t wanna spend too much of it already lol. I got bills to pay. Rent ugh.

I don't own a smart phone (let alone an iPad), so I may not be the best to advise you on this. Perhaps you can download the Google app from the itunes App store. Hopefully someone else will chime in that has first-hand experience with this. Congratulations on your purchase!

Thanks! :slight_smile:
I use my laptop mostly for this but i did manage to get chrome for my iPad. Smartphones are too small for all this reading. Thank you all for all the help it is much appreciated (:

Hats off to whoever created that extension, what a great little tool

See this BLF thread about the creation of the BLF Chrome extension. Cheers!

Just did and paid my respects to thulfiqar, thanks!

Thanks :slight_smile:
I’ll add the extension to my PC in a bit. Looks like it will come in very handy! Great idea

The ZanFlare C4 has slightly higher capacity test readings (so if you know how much percentage it overstates, it could be calculated backwards…)
(also the ZanFlare C4’s IR readings seem a bit lower, although they are consistent and can thus be a useful comparison when tested on the same Zanflare C4)

I think the Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 won’t show accurate readings when it’s discharging at 4x 1A (due to insufficient power supply adapter or fan overheating?)

Lii-500 Engineer seems a good choice for capacity test (but its IR readings are not good — IR readings can change for the same battery).

I haven’t read much about the Xtar VP4 Dragon in terms of Capacity Test or IR measurement…
Similarly for the ISDT C4 charger/analyzer.

So that leaves the SkyRC MC3000, which has most of the functions one would ever need (but can be complicated for those who are not used to such amount of control…)

During discharging, not much energy is needed, so its power supply is adequate. Only the v2.0 had super inflated ‘charge’ figures because of a wrong value resistor that only a high amperage aftermarket adaptor could give the more accurate figures but those concerns are history now.

I use my MiBoxer C4-12’s true 5A adaptor also on my Opus and it’s now rock-stable.

As to the fan, issues are due to noise issues, but so far no overheating that I know of.

Thanks for the explanation.

I got the Opus BT-C3100 v2.2, and notice that with our hot tropical climate, the fan will automatically turn on even if there are not batteries being inserted, if the outside temperature is hot (a few weeks ago, our temperatures were in the 30+ degrees Celsius; I didn’t unplug my Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 from the power outlet even when not in use). I thought my Opus was doing some charging/discharging when I heard the fan turning on, and checked there’s no battery and its fan is operating by itself (it appears to stop automatically when temperature drops a bit, but restart again when ambient temperature becomes warm again…)
I wonder if this behavior is by design or there’s a malfunction on my unit.

Another thing I noticed with the Opus BT-C3100 v2.2, when I do a plain discharge test (4x1A), the time it takes to do the test is MUCH* longer than when I do a simialr 4x1A discharge test on the SkyRC MC3000. I think the Opus is stopping the discharge test every now and then, and I’m not sure if that will affect the capacity test results. So that right now I only use 4x500mA discharge test on the Opus (which doesn’t seem to stop the testing every now and then). I haven’t done much discharge test with 4x700mA yet though. Is this behavior similar for other Opus units?

(*MUCH longer = meaning, for instance, discharging a 3000mAh 18650 at 1A using the MC3000, will take roughly 3 hours; but when I do it on the Opus, it takes maybe 5 hours — this is only the “Discharge” Test, assuming the batteries are previously just Fully-Charged, not the “Charge Test” which does a Charge-Discharge-Charge cycle) I will have to do this again since it’s been some time I used the Opus for doing Discharged tests, due to the above behavior…