Wellp, if you want a thrower with less spill (and who doesn’t?), there’s the old-timey HS-802 that’s been around for ages, but they usually come in only red and green emitters. And usually weird-ass no-name “brands” like XIQUOSHINE or whatever. Pretty good out of the box, but they make hella good hosts.
If you want a more modern version, there’s the UC20 that Anekim came out with. I got the green initially, and and it throws like Hell with the green CSMwhatever LED. It’s PCG, phosphor-converted green, so it’s not as if you only see green and black, but it’s wider band and you can still make out colors, even though the dominant color is green.
They just came out with a white one which they were nice enough to send to me, and damn, that throws like Hell, too, with hardly any spill because of the same deep HS-802esque reflector.
The green is only 1 mode, on/off, but the white comes with 12 modegroups and is kind of a stripped-down bisgotti like the Cometa has. Mine defaulted to group 1, 5 levels + strobe + bike + battcheck, but I switched mine to group 5, L/M/H and then group 12 of just 100% only, which I’m keeping.
The white’s still preproduction and from what I heard should be in Amazon in a few weeks.
I usually shine on trees a few backyards over and then “down the block” (through backyards), but I decided to hit the trees on the next block (over the housetops) and damn it lit ’em up nicely!
Nice small tight beam with the deep reflector throws oh so well.
my review: [review] Anekim UC20 (green) hunting light with remote switch
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0928HQ9WV/
Go crazy…