Best stun gun flashlight / baton

With car break ins recently and home invaders popping up in my area i was wondering what is a good stun flashlight out there?

preferably one with a pretty bright light to blind, and see a potential intruder, along with plenty of zap to drop a 300lb drugged up attacker, or at least loud enough to say, yea, F off…… any suggestions ?
how is this one?

I can’t say which is the absolute best, although I am curious because I’m looking at getting one. However, double check your state laws; some states make it almost impossible to own a baton.

Quite literally, in many states you can open carry a hand gun on your belt without a permit, yet you can’t walk around with a baton.

S&w 38 is a pretty good stun gun.

Smile…wait for flash :smiley:

Do they have a built in camera?

Many links to baton flashlights and the sites where you can buy them, are in this BLF thread

Maglite 2d 3d 4d would do :wink: