Best Zoomable Flashlight Review $5-$40 range, Sipik SK68, SK98, UF T20 Odepro KL42 (G700 flashlight alternatives)

I recall past discussion of the Warsun pills being a problem:

it just takes a blow or two with a mallet and it’ll unscrew just fine.

I finally got the pill out of the light but I can’t get the actual pill apart. Trying to pry the driver out I started ripping the aluminum pill! Same on the emitter side. I didn’t feel like destroying the pill and then having to basically rebuild it so I just gave up.

What are the differences between the UF-1405, UF-1407 and UF-T20? And can I buy a replacement pill for any of these?

I really like the idea of an IR zoomie for my night vision equipment. It would be nice to be able to quickly swap out the pill for a visible light LED when needed. Shooting Torches has one but I’m not familiar with the company. - not aff link.

Their T-67 is just a rebranded UF-1405. Likely all they do is get their logo printed on selected hosts to make up the product line. Compare the pills you’ve linked to those for the 1405 and 1504 at MtnE.

there appear to be a lot fewer flashlight makers than you’d think, each with multiple labels.

Where can I buy just the pill?

>just the pill

’oogled that question for you:

Not a recommendation, I don’t know the supplier.