Bad thing about asking people for advice when naming a brand is then the company still picks their favorite ....and you're right back where you started .

this has been tried here before and you get lots and lots of equally not well thought out answers from people trying to be cute and the blind leads the blind into the ditch .

Better suggestion is for members here to do a poll as to which members are smarter than hell . then Sofirn could use that to ask for real worthwhile advice . Then there should be some real compensation if a true increase in sales could be realized .

Free advice can be expensive and making a decent light but failing to finish it can make one just an ok light ....Sometimes it's the little details .

If you make an epic light then the name wouldn't matter to anyone .

Sometimes, but there is also MicroBlueBear :smiley:

Hey, that’s a perfectly cromulent word.

Now you have to que up your best Samuel L Jackson voice and say it with me;


Now THAT would sell just for the name as long as it was screaming 6500k + because that it what the normal trout thinks is amazing.

Code for the SC31T please.


Perhaps C.S. Teboke? I don't know what city is home to Sofirn. Couldn't find it in a cursory search. But, if the first two letters could be appropriately used as initials, the suggestion (to me at least) would be a formal name, not unusual in the flashlight realm.

Just a thought.


Bike light 10% OFF CODE: G23VT892
Original price: $36.99
Current sale price: $30.95
Final deal price: $18.57 (Plus 30% off Coupon and 10% off Code)

looks ok for the price

bat not replaceable though

i sort of doubt the run times though

half that would make more sense

Interested for the code for bike light.

CODE: G23VT892

Bike Light order placed , thanks Sofirn