[Black Friday Deal]Sofirn Aliexpress Store~Deal price for all products

$65 for Q8 PRO :https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003383451038.html?spm=5261.signed_item_detail.table.15.aa524edfUmVcKk

HS10 available again:


Hi Jackie, looking to order a HS05 and HS40. What’s the code for HS40?


Thanks, I have only ordered a HS05 as 5000k HS40 no longer available. Any plans for HS40 in other tints than 6500k?

When new batch SST40 5000K available ,will assemble more

$6 code for LT1S --VDOQA5FBMXFL

Hi Jackie, for some reason the code SCGNNPUOUA3M doesn’t work, is there any fix?

Seems to work fine for HS40

According to the store it should be a 10% discount to the whole purchase

What are you trying to buy? When putting HS40 in the basket, it seems to work fine (–10%).

LT1 and SP36 blf

I see, it seems the code doesn’t work for LT1. I guess you just have to wait for Jackie to respond.

–10% code for followers doesn’t work here either. Says “We don’t recognize this promo code. Have another try”.

I ordered a Sofirn HS40 (6500k) last November, then a few weeks later (December) I ordered a Sofirn HS40 with “5000k” color temperature.

When I received the HS40, the box is labeled “HS40 5000k”, but when I compared it with my previous HS40 6500k, they look exactly the same (6500k)…

It’s a bit difficult to get a camera photo comparing the 2 beamshots from the 2 units HS40, so I didn’t make a complain/exchange anymore…

Hopefully next time, they really send an HS40 5000k (not just the “5000k” label on the box, but actual item is still 6500k…)

sorry for all late reply, shipping normal now

Amazon USA code for Sofirn SC21 2700K?

Jackie, can you add the Sofirn D25LR headlamp to Aliexpress?

Hi bro, i am only update Aliexpress code here

Apologize, feedback to our stock and update new 5000K version now