Maybe get 2x Astrolux S41 with Nichia 219B or 219C, if they’re 5000K.
Those are quad LED lights, but have the same driver as your A6, but that can be swapped.
But at least you’ll have better LEDs than the LH351D, regarding the R9 values (red).
They’re not that expensive either.
You can find it here Archive topic - Banggood & Fin17 , along with a coupon code, for just over $20 a piece.
Under it you can find a 18650 battery tube for the S42 / S43, or look around on Banggood for the S41 18650 battery tube, but they will both fit.
But that way you can get 2 lights with 4x Nichia 219B 5000K for less than 50 bucks.
You can diffuse the beam with diffuser film if you want.
Anyway, that’s just an idea, it seems like a good starting point to me.