User manual
BLF-GT user manual draft13.pdf
(The first production run shipped with revision 12 of the manual. The revision 13 changes are minor.)
Chinese translation by steel_1024:
BLF-GT Chinese user manual V1.2
Russian translation by Narmattaru
Joe’s excellent cheat sheet for the GT
Cheat sheet
NarsilM firmware development thread
NarsilM thread
NarsilM 1.2 source code and ready-to-flash HEX files
NarsilM 1.2 files
Texas Ace’s review of the final prototype before production started. Your light should look pretty much like this:
Prototype 2 review
VOB’s un-boxing video
Maukka’s test of the stock LED tint and finds it to be nearly perfect!
Stock XHP35 HI 4000k emitter tint test