[BLF Joint-Development] WildTrail BLF Tactical Flashlight


An additional red LED would be nice.

Interested for one light as well.

Interested in 2. Let’s make this happen!

Doesn’t look like this is happening!

Just lost momentum or what?

Interested in two.

BTW, any chance for an optional tailcap with a coil corded pressure contact switch so this can be used as a mounted weapon light?


“IF”…. it ever happens, count me in for a couple please. :white_check_mark:

Keen-o! One please!

This would be awesome.

But for those still looking for something similar…

The Sofirn TF84 (18650 form factor). Forward clicky (on/off), dedicated strobe switch and side switch (changes mode) and also comes with a remote switch as well.


The TF84 has a alternating frequency strobe, so missing out on sales to light painting photographers who require constant frequency strobes.

In for 1

18650 is my battery choice. You can pull a lot of them for free out of laptop battery packs. Also, I would not like the USB charging port as it is an extra point of potential moisture penetration and perhaps short circuiting the internal circuitry. It is more practical to carry several spare pre-charged 18650 batteries in a separate moisture proof container.

21700 are becoming more and more available. If input long-stroke springs in both the head and tail, then 18650 will work just as well inside the tube designed for 21700(and 2 * 123 or 2 * 18350 in a very bad case). 1 mode with PWM for constant brightness. PWM should be noticeable in order to annoy the person we shine on. If you need a reliable driver, I would disassemble the incan SF Aviator and copy its driver. My A2 has been running since 2003 without any problems even with 2 * 16340 for which it is not designed :slight_smile:
Well, the shade of the diode should also be such as to cause disgust or stupor in a person who will be illuminated by it. Maybe something yellow/green/cyan.

Finally, something that SST40 is actually good for!

YES!! or LEP like Weltool :smiley:

This a thing still?

1 Thank

Interested in 2

Prefer 21700 but would take 18650.

How and who determines if its released or not?

Interested by two units… if this is ever happening !