*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Googles fault

Same :innocent:

Sorry about the broken links to those many manuals. It seems something got completely f#%&€d up with my Google drive. :person_facepalming: I try to restore everything when I find some time for it.

Thanks for the update.

Ideally the manufacturers would have manuals online but many do not. Besides being easier to magnify and read the online manuals, you also do not need to worry about losing the paper copy that came with the light since you can print the online manual if necessary.

Sorry I inadvertently spelled your name wrong, "Lux-Perpetual" instead of "Lux-Perpetua" but "Perpetual" does better describe your never-ending exceptional contributions to this forum, especially the detailed well-written manuals which will be everlasting.

So does this mean that this new LT1 version cannot be programmed with any Anduril updates?
Btw, can the LT1 original be updated to Anduril 2.0? I understand the power bank feature wouldn’t work…

Has anyone opened up the new version to confirm there are no further changes internally? I would hate to get the new one and not be able to install the Sunlike MCPCB for example.

I’m curious about the output of the “new” LT1. Can anyone confirm if the 7x 7135 are factory enabled and can it maintain full brightness throughout the entire runtime without having to step down due to heat?

Sorry & my appologies to everyone, things have been a bumpy road getting settled in the new house and trying to get back on track. I will be doing my best to get back into working on the LT1-Mini, a 21700 LT1-HD, (or LT2 model) and possibly a LT1-AA variant as Barry mentioned. Bear with me, its been a rough past couple years with the pandemic, big move, life changes, etc.

This shouldn’t be an issue since the updated LT1 still has two channels. I’m not sure what has been going on lately with BelMor, I hope everything is alright with him he is still on track to delivering our boards.

It seems to be a bit confusing as to what Sofirn is actually selling when you buy a LT1.
There seems to be 3 or 4 different versions on sale at the different outlets. ie Sofirm, Amazon & Aliexpress official Store…

Absolutely right and this new version with out any name change causing further confusion.

I’m quite bothered by the unilateral “updates” by Sofirn considering this was a community light. Altering the flashing pads in that manner is just a dick move, but changing the default 7135 configuration from 3x7135 to 7x3135 while removing the ability to alter it is quite significant and DBSAR should have been consulted.

Ahh, but we had some fun, and knew it wouldn’t last forever. Canny Chinese eh? :face_with_monocle:

As far as i know our development team was unaware that modification was done or discussed before hand.

How long does a development team have any control over what a manufacturer decides to do with a project?

So …… has the name changed to Sofrin LT-1 :person_facepalming: :beer: :beer:

Only change I’ve noticed is that the new one is described with a Q8, whereas the old one does not have that descriptor. That may be how they are going to morph the name over time. As far as the unit, looks identical to the original. Will know more when it is delivered.

I asked Barry about the relocation of the flashing pads on the new driver. He said he did not know. Maybe it was an engineer‘s decision to align the circuitry on the business side of the driver as efficiently as possible? I keep asking them to provide us a flashing adapter but I do not expect this to happen anytime soon, especially without a standard pin layout.

I was told the new version will have all 7135 chips enabled for maximum brightness. There is no thermal regulation in LT1 but I do not expect this to become a problem as long as ambient temperatures are in a reasonable area. Maybe the top of the lantern will become a bit warmer than usual.

For the duration defined in the contract.

I don’t think there is any real recourse here. We have to hope that Sofirn understands why aspects of the light were designed the way they are and keeps them that way.

It’s great to see an update from you…and the possibility of other interesting variants!

But most importantly, I hope things are genuinely settling down for you finally.

New to BLF, flashlights and lanterns. I thought I ordered the newest powerbank version from the sofirn website. Did I end up with the right thing?