*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

:+1: :slight_smile: :+1: :beer:

Great News!! Thanks again DBSAR, your efforts to see the LT1 through to production are appreciated, my hats off to you sir.

Not from BLF right? Enjoy your new found freedom!

Mark me down for 2. Thanks

Yay! Canā€™t wait to get my hands on one. I think itā€™ll pair nicely with my solar battery bank for extended usage :slight_smile:

thanks again to all involved, great job.

Please add me for 2 more to the interest list (already down for 1) for a total of 3 for me.

Awesome update DBSAR! Have you guys decided on whether protected vs. unprotected cells are the best option for the LT1 given the discussion you guys had earlier?

Also, any chance of an American version of DBSARā€™s deal popping up anywhere :smiley: ?

Also, a quick aside thanks to you guys for the earlier comments/advice on my question regarding the Q8 and other lights. Still figuring out how to actually take advantage of all of the features of the the Q8 (ha), but overall very cool light. And clearly not sticking to the whole ā€œone light for nowā€ effortā€¦

Hey guys, loving the progress and getting excited seeing this to be close to production ready!

I just thought about a nice software feature for the lantern. If already discussed, please ignore the rest of the post :slight_smile:
Would a ā€œheart-beatā€ or ā€œbreathingā€ feature not add value when camping or having the lantern in a room? That way you can easily spot the lantern in the dark if the illuminated button is away from you. Also, it could help you get to the light in the dark, where-as the button will not provide enough light to see. It should be soft enough not to wake you if the light is with you in the tent. Just my 2c :slight_smile:

Iā€™d posted a community question about this and the seller claimed itā€™s just a different design with same specs. If the 3 panel one has larger cells, whereas the single fold-over 4 panel has smaller panels, then perhaps that could be the case. But the pattern on the 4-panel makes it looks like a better build.

Please mark me as interested! Iā€™ve been waiting for a good warm tint 18650 lantern.

in for 1-2

in for 1

Please add me for 2 more for a total of 3 for me. I am currently on the list at 578.


Nah, heā€™s just saying that heā€™s going to retire his lanterns, not himself. :wink:

I think TK said it increases the idle drain on the batteries far too much.

This was a while ago, I might be wrong

Please count me in for 1 as well!

What batteries are you all planning to use for the LT1? Should I go protected/unprotected button top/flat top high drain/normal? Thanks.

I am gonna use unprotected high capacity button tops.

I have a set of Samsung 30Qs, as well as several laptop pulls that I have been gathering over time. Itā€™s rather easy to make these functional in the LT1 by cutting the strap thatā€™s spot welded to the + terminal and bending it over on top of itself. Now thereā€™s enough metal to make a good (enough) contact, as the max current with all AMC7135s connected is only 2.5A.

As far as protected or unprotected,either will do. But the batteries do need some protrusion above the cell on the positive end to contact the ring on the driver board.

Yeah, you actually want button top unprotected cells, especially if itā€™s for an emergency.

Thereā€™s a pretty good argument against using protected cells for such an item: the internal protection circuit on the cells themselves draw current, which can make standby runtime of the 18650s suffer.

Just retiring the old other lanterns. :smiley: i canā€™t retire yet for another 1000 years