I’m using stickers (and selling them) and have used up to 3 Amps or so (8x 7135 chips) with no issues. If you run fet and go 4+ Amps you could have issues. For instance, I have a blf a6 and don’t use the sticker (5-6 Amps).
Edit : I have an Okluma TinyDC. Stock it runs at 1.3A, so you are unlikely to have heat issues. It’s a 17mm driver so easy to hot rod it (it’s a qlite with 8 chips.).
i got mine today the tube looks good the driver is a click orgy with no peak for me you need a list with hidden modes to get where you want because after 3 sec. its jumps as next to low for me i have to re flash it with new code there comes my question how to get the pill out i got a small copper ring out but there are no dents to screw out the pill with the driver and led also my tail stand is very wobble it stands more in the switch then on the tail out ring and my switch with the trit is off center the U and I the grinding is not in the center of the round button. is this only on mine or a general error ?? the left screw of the clip is not well screwed in but the HEX of the screw is worn off so i cant screw it in nor out anymore. and behind the optical lens i got some black spot. !!