Blue Convoy S2+ heat colouring.

I postet the Video just because of the colour after heating the body up to over 400°C

Not because of the magnet. An no - I did not heat up the magnet :wink:

Nice color change

Ah - I assumed you had heated the magnet as well, when you said that it was glued in.

I'm sure I've seen full length S series able to 'side stand' with those magnetic rings. I'm guessing that heater is iron, & not copper? :)

Nope… just a Ceran Field an 10 Minutes full Power.

Hmmm. I just ordered 10 of those magnets from the Ali convoy flashlight store. Where did yours come from. I’m planning on making a bunch of emergency ceiling lights.

Got them from BG.
The customer support told me that the magnet is not the problem, but the light. lol
Guess the whole bunge of magnets got too hot on the way from china to europe.

I tried to order mine from BG, but they gave me notice they were out of stock, so I got them from Simon.

The light was baked in an electric oven.sorry I forgot to mention. And yes its looks professional, except where you can see in the photos. The photos are a relatively fair representation of the real thing.

Also I think mrkelvin put some sort of oil or something on it while it was still hot. I cleaned mine with isopropyl before hand and let it air cool when it was done. You can see the blemish in the photo that turned a golden bronzey kinda colour, maybe it would have all changed to that if I left it longer. I’m not sure

I see what ya did there.

Well it looks pretty good. I don’t think I have the guts to try it though;)

I wouldn’t be too worried about it. What’s the worst that can happen? You have to buy a new $16 host?

If you do this you have to clean the host before.
Otherwiese you get these ugly discolorisations.

Try to heat the aluminum parts on a hot plate. !!! without o-rings :wink:

Color turns to Blue - purple - some red - brown and then to gold on the highest temperature.
It takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

Black anodisation gives a more brown-golden taint. The blue anodisation gives a lighter golden taint.

I did not try the red and the green yet.

$12 host. You can get a finished, working light for $16

The finished light you are referring to is the 18358 shorty model.

Um, no. That link goes to a full-size, 18650-powered Blue S2+ with XM-L2 and 6x7135 linear driver. Its $16.99 so I did a bit of rounding, but I definitely linked the correct light.

My mistake, but it’s out of stock anyway.

I’ve got a friend whose favorite color is spring green. That’s not a common hue for quality lights, so I’m interested in the possibility of heating a greenie. It will probably be months before I get around to it — the light hasn’t been ordered yet — so if anyone runs some experiments I’d love to see the pictures.

Good to know!