BlueSwordM LED Group Buy 3: a 3V 5050 domeless Ra9070 4000-4500k LED, the perfect XM-L2/SST-40 (UPDATE 2: Something new!)

Update 1:

1. It’s been confirmed by the manufacturer, but donut holes are not officially not an issue:

“because of the no dome lens design, classical focusing holes are not an issue with this LED design.”

2. QC will not be an issue:

” We work with a lot movie industry customers which have very strict specifications like yours, so it is not an issue.”

In for 10pcs pls. Thanks.

I’ll take 10. Thanks.

10 for me, please :).

Finally something for my EYE10.

All added to the sheet.

Added to the list.

So what current can these be run at, and what output are you expecting?
4000-4500k is quite the range, I’d be more inclined to order some if they were closer to 4000k

Maybe. I’ll ask.

Personally, I prefer closer to 4500k, but I know some people prefer 4000k, so it gives us a range of stuff and perhaps in the middle.

What really matters to me is tint binning.

I’m on board with 4500K, too…wonderful temp when you can find it. I’m more of a 5000K guy usually but good 4000K is ok, brushing up against as warm as I like. 4500K is like HID crisp without being white-white or harsh.

Oh I agree! I’d prefer a nice 4500k over a green 4000k. But ultimately I’d love a slightly rosy 4000k!

Any idea on current handling and output?

Current handling should be at the absolute minimum on par with the XM-L2.

It’ll obviously be able to reach much higher power levels since it’s a flip chip design rather than having to deal with bond wires, so that’s nice at least.

If I were to extrapolate based on the 70CRI version, I’d say 1000-1100 lumens at 10W 85C, and slightly higher at the rated 25C.

For the 90CRI version, I’d say around 700-800 lumens at the same power, although we’ll have to wait until we get to manufacturing and testing to see what the manufacturer gets on their end, and then see what we get on our end.

I prefer 4000k but anything is better than the current 6500K for sft40 and sst40.

Yeah, and while I was tempted to get 5000-5500k, I think that was a bit much.

4000-4500k on the other hand is :disappointed:

Actually tolerable general use CCT.

5000k is perfect for the day, but too cool for the night.

3500k is good for general evening use, but too warm for the day.

4500k is my own sweetspot.

I’m in for 10.


In for 20.

I will take 10 pcs, thank you.

Added, and updated.

So, is there anyone who thinks that I should add the ability for public people to add comments? That would certainly be nice to point out mistakes.

20 for me, please.

Will you send the leds as a letter to Europe? All international shipments are getting taxed now but letters may be an exception.

@Skylight, yes as besides, we’re not dealing with massive sums of money, and it’s the only relatively affordable and easy way I can ship to Europe.

Added to the list.