Bought a Gold SRK from FastTech

It has yet to arrive. It’s XML U2… The specs say 2500 lumens yada yada yada… My question, has anyone bought one of these from FastTech or others… Knowing that SRK’s can be hit & miss depending where ordered ( didnt hear bout cnq till after ) Anyone have experience with these from this seller?

there was a pretty long thread about the fasttech srk

i havent read it, as the srk to me is kind of meh, but im sure you can find something out in there

Thanks P

no problem. good luck, hope you get a good one. from my take on it, the three toroid driver is the good one. not sure what else to look for in a good one though

Not sure how to tell the driver, any simple way?

im not sure, maybe a srk owner can chime in. only way i know is to pull the driver and see if its has three toroids on it

thats what the good driver looks like… but again, i dont know much about the king… except his fetish with blue suede shoes

Meh… three XML2’s on sinkpads, good wiring, boosted driver, AR lens.

No, but would be even better to my eyes in a different host :stuck_out_tongue:

Is the display of modding expertise related to the op?

I just got mine from FastTec yesterday. Very fast shipping and service. I got the gold FandyFire version. They sell two different versions of the light and the more expensive one was $45 minus the discount. I bought that one even though it was listed at a lower lumins number of 1800.
Just took a chance not really knowing which one to buy.
I really don’t know how to compare it since I haven’t had any experience with other SRK lights. I can however compare it to my new Black Shadow Terminator. Inside, it compares quite well to the BS. Outside it has more flood but can’t match the throw. The BS is rated at 3500 lumins to the FF aprox. 2000. They actually seem closer together than the numbers indicate. The FF heats up much faster. I like the BS better but not 3 times better which is about the difference in what they cost.

From what I understand they are trying to make sure only the “good’ ones get sent out. I think either way you will be pleasantly surprised. It’s no BTU but they are a lot of light for the money. I got the fandy fire from them before the U2’s came out. It rocks.

Yes, just received a black U2 from Fast tech and it was DOA. Tried 3 different lota of batteries but nothing…… no smoke, poof, explosion just dead. My first Sky Ray king and first time using Fast Tech too… Put in a ticket but not had any reply from them yet either. Not happy :frowning:

Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones. Got black and gold ($36ea) and both are in excellent conditions. Will buy two more in the future as gifts. :beer:

I believe they are on holiday. China is on holiday till the weekend. Check back on Monday. My ticket was also not responded.

What cells are you using? They don't work with flat top cells.

1800 lumens claim might be true. My NW SRK from CNQG is about 10-12% brighter than FandyFire UV-S5 from FastTech. So if UV-S5 would be 1800 lumens --> NW SRK is ~2000 lumens.

I have this light, as well as the black srk from f/t, black one defo slightly better quality/feel.
My gold srk with warm white seemed to me at first to be MUCH brighter than my black version, but as time passed I think they are the same, but objects appear so much more natural with the cool tint of the black one.
I use mine extensively, must be getting on for 180-200 hours now, 70 on high, not had a problem yet touch wood.

I dont have any flat top cells. I have used protected trustfire flames.

Yeah, I just got a reply from them finally this morning ( Saturday) saying about the Holiday. Didnt mention it on their site though like it does on others…………so how are we to know. Still “p’d” that I have to send it back and wait for another. Going to be another 5-6 weeks before I get a replacement now.