Why is there still so much misinformation, after HKJ created a thread on this very question? :person_facepalming:
My brother’s friend’s cousin told me…. :disappointed:
HKJ How far can LiIon be discharged?
- Can I recharge it anyway? - Sure! And it may even look and act perfectly fine.
- So why must I throw away my precious, precious battery? - The battery manufacturers and real experts say internal damage happens. The battery is at risk of “venting with flame” or “rapidly disassembling” (exploding) at any random time it feels like it.
- But I’m a Man! I can deal with a little battery venting, flames, explosion. In fact, I like fire and explosions! - Do you have a family? Children? Anyone you care about? Want them breathing hydrofluoric acid or a fire in the middle of the night? Be a man and throw the damn things out.
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But of course, you can choose to do whatever you like.
Just don’t advise others to do the same.