Brinyte B158b videography pills


I’m a videographer and I want to use flashlights for my work.

I recently ordered a Brinyte B158b and it on its way.

The stock pill that comes with it is a cool white LED (6000-6500k).

I’m not a modder and I’m looking to hire someone to make a couple of pills in different kelvin. Here’s what I’m looking for:

1. The pills have a driver that will not flicker under video when switching modes.
2. 1 pill with natural white. 5000-5500k
3. 1 pill warmer “tungsten” around 3200k

Can someone help me out or point me in the right direction?

Or at least tell me what drivers and leds I should get and I can attempt building them myself.

1. LD-A4 3 amp version should be sufficient.
2. LH351D 5000k
3. SST20 3000K or Nichia 219b 3000K

I would agree with this suggestion. MTN electronics has a nice batch of 5000k 90cri LH351D
emitters, btw.

Anyone know where I can source the pills that go in the light?