BTU Shocker.. A review for the layman. ( Nightshots, Hotspot shots w TK70 )

Hey Dale, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you trying to get the AR lens from? I wouldn’t mind one myself.

HE wont reply ….Dales probably snuggled up with the sexy Mrs Dale :heart_eyes:

I can’t blame him there :slight_smile:

Comparing the TK to the BTU. The lens look identical to me. I am trying to order a tk 70 lens from Fenix.

Cool. Please update us when you find out for certain.

now thats one smart idea! why didnt we think of that !!!


As far as hotties go…I caught my limit. I’m allowed to buy ugly flashlights! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks Awesome bro !!!
Im waiting for the new DRY driver to arrive .
il install and update on perfomance

Those new emitters look hott…yes, it deserves the extra “t.”

Dale, that looks awesome. I wouldn't be to surprised if you could notice the difference, XM-L U2s are a good bit brighter than the old XM-L T6s in it.

Dale, is it brighter? I read somewhere U2, U3 and XML2 U2 are almost same.

this is cw compared to nw.

I forgot yours was T6.

Can you please link or tell where you bought the upgraded springs?