Budget flash light for self defence , any ideas ?

This ^ Find a Jujitsu school near you and learn to protect yourself.

Just the confidence of knowing how to fight will likely keep baddies from messing with you. Most criminals are looking for “soft targets”. Don’t be a soft target.

When you know you can pretty much neutralize any threat, you are at peace. IF you were allowed to carry a firearm, that would be my recommendation but since that seems to be out of the question, learn to fight.

Sorry I have to respond to this one. Wasp spray is a poison, marked on the can as such and not to misuse. Why is this important? It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Pepper spray is nontoxic, starts acting on contact and most have a UV dye good for a few days after spraying. Pepper spray is considered a non lethal self defense and marking tool. More importantly, since wasp spray is a poison and never intended as a self-defense item, there have been no meaningful studies conducted to suggest that it would stop an attacker. You blind or poison someone in an excessive use of force you are liable for that damage. In the use of force continuum wasp spray and firearms are going to be considered at the same level. I’m issued Sabre Red 1.33% Major Capsaicinoids, good out to about 20’. I can’t find anyone issued Wasp Spray.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWj4xuacbyY Worth the watch.

Original post was about a carjacking. If accelerator pedal failed to get you out of there and you’ve been evicted from your car. Spray your pepper spray into the cowl below the windscreen and every one will fly out of that car.

Funny thing is some cops and others recommended it. Maybe they don't care about the liabilities. Notice the cough parts? I'm being funny and not to be taken seriously.

I just watched the video and it's interesting. I myself most likely won't carry wasp spray because I know something much worse. I'm a retired mechanic and we used spray carb cleaner. Get that stuff on your skin and it burns so imagine getting it blasted in your face.

I surely won't recommend it.

Somehow I totally believe you can! :slight_smile: Actually there’s a bunch of cane defensive videos in YouTube too. Good to know some techniques. And some canes come with sharp metal spikes too. Just like the flashlight.

Seriously, I think the flashlight will likely have the opposite intended effect. Now the thug has every reason to go after you because you just gave him the envy to get the cool shiny toy. Worse yet, once the words got out “this guy gives a flashlight when he get scared”, the whole country will chase after you.

Use common sense. Avoid this part of town. If you got stuck in your car, honking loudly or set off the alarm will scare the thug enough to give you the time to run away.

Yes, the best defense is not to be there.

Better a live coward than a dead hero.

The best and really only practical self-defense is learning how to detect and avoid trouble. Where I live, many people are carrying illegal firearms. In my neighborhood and where I commute to work, you have to assume people are armed. Attempting to strike anyone with a blunt object, blind them, or spray them with a caustic substance, will only provoke them to kill you.

I have quite a bit of experience with martial arts, and I would never attempt to use it on the street against a robber or other criminal who approaches me, unless I used it as a means of escape and flight. Engaging a criminal in a physical altercation where I live will get you killed. It’s a poor decision that greatly increases the risk over avoidance and flight, or the third option, described below, to be used when necessary.

What do I recommend, if you are accosted by a robber on the street that you have not managed to avoid? Give them what they ask for, or a fair substitute for it, if you have concealed your valuables. The best strategy to ensure your safety is to carry as few valuables as you have to carry, and cooperate. Your cash and credit cards aren’t worth your life.

Where I live, you do that and the mugger will shoot you regardless just to see your corpse fall. So don’t not manage to avoid some sketchy dude.

Where I live, in a nice residential neighborhood, the usual ambush street attacker that sends people to the hospital does not care one bit about money or drugs or cell phones. The usual attacker is much, much too swift in movement to allow for successful flight. The attacker is much too swift in body and head movement to be defended against with a flashlight or a fist or a foot or a knife. Sometimes effective means of repelling are only sometimes effective, especially in windy conditions. When under immediate threat of immediate body harm, there is no time for silly thoughts, such as reaching for a flashlight. The only effective response to immediate threat of immediate body injury from the ambush attacker is the only effective response. Ask someone who knows, because they have been there, twice, in 9,400 pedestrian miles in 45 months, who, with a tenth of a second to spare, survived unscathed.

you offed a dude?


By definition, an “ambush attacker that sends people to the hospital” is someone who is going to physically attack you no matter what, for no reason other than a desire to attack strangers. That is a situation outside of what most of us were discussing in our posts, above. If this is happening often in your neighborhood, it sounds like there is a serious problem in your “nice residential neighborhood” with people having either 1) synthetic cannabis; 2) PCP; or 3) violent mental illness. I think you might want to think about modifying your description of your neighborhood.

Bingo! Bingo!

I feel like a light would not really be that helpful unless you are inside the cara and the threat is infronnt of you. But at the same thime this is also interesting as most movies would use flashlight to blind someone for few secs.

Man, there’s some good advice up there^ and some terrible advice as well. The man wanted a flashlight recommendation and it appears he came to the wrong group. I won’t be much help either as I carry a knife and can carry of gun as well: which I have too many of but typically don’t have on me. So a flashlight for me is a small powerful thing, useless in your situation or for your needs.

Wydra has a deal right now of a huge baseball bat looking flashlight I have no info about: but it looks build for your exact purposes AT 440mm (17 inches). Price 13.01$ if you use his coupon wydra7 ( only 20 ). $15 and change if it’s outdated. Anyone seen one of those in the wild yet? Probably won’t get 1000 lumens out of it. Here’s the link and photo:



BLF Forum Rules:

1.Please don’t be rude.

I’m not seeing any rudeness here.

Same here. What exactly is the rude part? Also agree on Couchmaster’s observation. OP asks for light recommendation, that’s it.

Sorry if that came off rude Harrier. Typing, instead of talking face to face can do that I suppose. It does seem to me that when someone asks for a self-defense flashlight recommendation and he gets back a “YOU DON’T NEED A FLASHLIGHT YOU NEED TO LEARN JUJITSU etc etc” or a YOU NEED PEPPER SPRAY etc etc might also be a tad on the presumptuous and rude side as well, it’s certainly terrible advice in that it totally ignores what the OP asked. Furthermore it presumes that the man (who could be a woman I have no idea) might already be a black belt and also already have 3 pepper spray units strapped to his/her waist and a bear spray canister chest harness on at all times even while sleeping.

And we also know nothing about the country the person lives in or their laws. Is Pepper spray banned there like guns? Who can say. That leaves the original question as unanswered. The question was what flashlight would work in an self defense situation, the person then pitches the BLF A6. Gets back a bunch of other type of answers. OP didn’t ask what is the most effective cane for self defense. Let me address the BLF A6: no. That is much too small in real life to do any damage. The Sofirn rich posted upthread looks big enough if it doesn’t have 2 buttons (can’t see the tail).

For myself, I have never needed a flashlight as a defensive weapon as I have other things. Thus, I’ve never evaluated the question outside of maybe swinging a long D cell maglight a few times and thinking “wow, that would hurt” briefly.

A lot of the heavy headed lights, like the SP70 noted upthread or Convoys L6 beast have 2 buttons to turn them on, they are clearly not something designed or effective for self-defense. There was another thread earlier where a BLFer suggested that a worthy BLF project would be a BLF light optimized for defense that appeared to hold some promise but the thread never got off the ground.

I’m still curious what others have come up with in their lives that can answer the question, I have no answers. Please don’t read that as being snarky or rude, I’m simply saying, I truly will be no help for the first poster. As that was their first post here, was hoping some solid stuff would pop up.

And thank you for the heads up on how you felt my post came off, it was unintentional, I’ll try to be less crusty going forward. :blush: :beer:


Having had a little self-defense training myself, leads me to believe the OP would appreciate these videos from a former cop:

Flashlight Self Defense | How to Land the Hammerfist

Fighting with a Flashlight | Mag Light as Impact Weapon?

Flashlight Tactics for Police, Security and Self Defense

Even Icy Mike would agree with me that a cane is legal to carry anywhere.