Building a Jax Z1 from host. Help me choose Driver/LED

I have a couple of brand new Z1’s. I bought mine from Mountain Electronics a while back and haven’t gotten around to modding them yet. I’ll sell you one if you want.

Thanks to kloepper for the light to mod. Got to work on it right away. MT-G2 and FET from Richard and this thing is good to go. Loving it.

Pulls a pretty consistent 8-8.5 amps on 2x King Kong 26650s and she’s hella bright. No idea what the intensity is, but through all kinds of South Carolina humidity I can see tree line clearly at around 350 yards, but that’s all I’ve tried.

I promise the led is centered when you hold the light right :wink:

Nice, waiting for the beamshots! :slight_smile:
