Building a "light box" for measuring lumen output

Ahhh the joys of not being a native english speaker... It felt wrong when i wrote it but could not be arsed to rephrase the sentence. :/


I'll ditch the box and do a proper one without the smell. Correct sized this time!

I’m interested in building my own lightbox. I have access to a quality cardboard boxes and multiple kinds of paper for the interior surface.

The most interesting part for me is making it data-logging capable. I have a DMM with datalog features and a luxmeter.
Will it be possible to use some kind of photosensor or similar, being conected to the multimeter? I mean, datalog the V measurements for then convert that values to relative lumen?
Maybe a small solar panel? :quest:

Thanks in advance!

I think this is what you want:

This is my cheap lx1010bs luxmeter, you can see where I found the linear lux/voltage output.

I always set the luxmeter to the most sensitive state, that means: the voltage wil vary between 0-1V depending on the lux value. And absolutely linear!

On high lux values the luxmeter shows overload on the display, but this isn't problem, there is no effect on the voltage output.

Direct measuring from the photosensor isn't good, because the sensor does not provide linear lux/voltage value.