C8 Extension Tube

No I have never tried because I feared it could fried the driver. Its frightening we can’t even trust official numbers… Must be a misunderstanding between recommended specs and actual capacity.
Good to know it works at 6V.

As noted, I have a C12 on 4 AA's but in thinking about it wasn't completely comfortable recommending it. I don't mind breaking my own stuff as much as someone else's.

This is nice, I just built one convoy c8 with 10xAMC nanjg (pulls ~3.56A from samsung ICR18650-26F), must try it with 2xCR123 :smiley:

Not recommended. CR123s aren't meant for that kind of current and you could end up with a pipe bomb in your hand.

shortest joy ever :~ but on other hand it would be OK with 4-6xAMC nanjg & XP-G2 in Convoy C8 :slight_smile:

I’m running XP-G2 and XP-E at 1.4A in the ones I made.

Hi guys, My name is Walt, this is my first post here and I hope you don’t mind me chiming in.
These pics are a very good example of thread inconsistency. I have several utrafire wf-502b’s and none of them match up, but I have noticed that the thread pitch are mostly the same just slightly different sizes, I also found that they can be made to fit by running a thread file over the larger threads.
This post is very helpful to me as I was looking for an extension for a C8, I usually prefer Ultrafire but it seams that in this case the Convoy has a better matching extension that actually fits so I guess I’ll be paying Fasttech a visit. I’m also a new member of the laser pointer forum and I’ll be modifying the c8 for a high power laser. Sorry for the long winded first post.

regards to all,


Hi Walt, welcome to the best forum around!! There's sooo many varieties of these 18650 size lights. Maybe a year ago, the C8's had a bit more consistency in parts, but now, it's all over the place. 501B's and 502B's have similar variations from what I'm seeing so far. Interesting about the thread file... Of course UltraFire is used as a generic name, so extreme variations out there. I believe there is a true UltraFire brand, but they are rare and actually pricey, but superior quality as well.

Pricey is an under statement, they sell the 501b for $38 US


Has anyone tried this on a Convoy L4?? That would be a sweet deal !

All of my C8 lights have threads that all match up and interchange without issues, but the unbranded extensions from FT don't fit into or onto any of them. It's not an inconsistency between different batches of C8s, it's that the extensions are obviously made for something other than the common generic C8 thread size/pitch.

Well I’ve just purchased a Convoy C8 host and a couple of Knurled extensions from Fasttech so I hope they fit.

so , comfy, are they just badly made C-8 extension tubes,
or maybe not really for C-8 at all ?

They fit the Convoy C8, and the Convoy C8 uses a different thread everywhere compared to the UltraFire C8s, but the FT description neglects to mention which C8 these extensions are made for. Turns out, they're made for the only C8 that uses a different thread.

Ouchyfoot can you put the extension tube on the real xintd c8, it would be nice if we can get a battery extension for that.

Yes, I think so. It's a perfect fit on the XinTD host at Mountain Electronics, I assume it's the same.

Mine fit the convoy C8 if purchased from FT last year now the real question is an the driver handle the voltage?

Mine didn't like the extra voltage.....

Hhmm. I thought it did not fit a true XinTD.. Can't test it til this evening though. I have 2 IOS XinTD's and the extension at home.

--> IMPORTANT: Stock C8 drivers will not work with 2 cells, so don't experiment with it!! Can cause damage!

It's great though for a Nanjg Zener mod with a XP-G2, like what RMM sells.

With Chinese manufacturing, what is true? The only XinTD I have is RMM's host, that's why I noted that in my post.

Didn't someone invent the concept of interchangeable parts a century or two ago? What ever happened to that?