Can I make this 5 mode driver a 2 mode?

I bought a couple of these to power up some XP-E2 red LED’s. I’d prefer just low, high, not 5 modes. I see that it’s also possible to solder a jumper and make it 3 modes but that’s still too many.

Is there any way to make it low/high only?


If you have the ability to flash the mcu, you can put any set of modes you want on there.

Nope, don’t have that ability. Does that mean no 2 mode driver for me?

I was thinking more along the lines of solder bridge between stars (which don’t exist on this one).

You could bypass it and get high (briefly) and off. But I don’t think burning up LED’s is your goal. Just buy some Qlite drivers and solder the appropriate star to ground.

Here’s the Qlite with 2-mode option:

One source: QLITE REV.A 7135*8 3.04A LED DRIVER - 17mm
Also, you ought to figure out how hard your emitters should be driven — as it says there:


How can I make it a 1 mode?

Newbie to driver modding here. Please be specific if you can. And no laughing!


> make it a 1-mode

As said above, by bypassing the driver, routing the full power of the battery through it, and burning it up.
But, seriously, you don’t want to do that.

Or you could bypass the driver, splice in an appropriate resistor, and burn off all the excess power by heating up the resistor.
But, seriously, you don’t want to do that.

So, buy a qlite driver, and use the option that gives you what you asked for

2.50 if you buy 5

4th star is 2 modes

Somebody told me I could remove the micro and connect 3 of the legs together. Could anyone confirm, and elaborate on which 3 legs get tied together?


Richard could (BLF member RMM). He made a driver into single mode for me by removing the MCU, but I don’t know how he did it.

Have you used the contact link at Intl-Outdoor to ask them directly, since they sold you the driver you want to modify?
That’s worth trying. If anyone knows, likely it’d be the people there.

If they don’t have an answer, you might want to invite whoever it was who told you how to do it to come by here and explain with an illustration.

Without knowing exactly what the components are, and how they’re put together, and what the circuit does — it’s a bit hard to tell.

Well, I mean, anyone can tell you anything of course. But as far as actually fiddling with an electronic device — your results may vary greatly.

Found this thread.

that’s good info, thanks for finding it!