CandlePowerFora LLC

Hey Sheldon, you are very welcome here, don’t take anyone wrong.
But right or wrong, we do enjoy CPF bashing cuz they deserve it. We are mostly refugees here, having come that forum.

So don’t take it personally, but defending CPF in these parts is like a defending a BMW owner who won’t tolerate any car except the Ultimate Driving Machine. It’s going to piss off a lot of Ford owners before the 2nd sentence is out of your mouth.

CPFMP Illustrious- 90 days


Thank you Troop. You made me realize I was somewhat rude and for that I apologize. I still say folks that don”t like the tenor of these threads should “stay out”. IT IS THAT SIMPLE


Well. It’s probably the last straw for me and likely to be banned soon (when the “scanners”) get to this post.

Had most of my threads deleted since I’ve given them money at CPFM (just one month luckily). I’m now branded a dealer and “No dealers, nor manufactures are permitted to start any type of product thread on CPF proper…”

OP, you can back me on this one :slight_smile: None of my threads have any advertising or any semblence of BUY ME anywhere (not posted by me if there are any). Most were advanced product announcements/rumors, which just about everyone appreciated. I sanitized all my posts there (unlike at BLF :slight_smile: )

A couple months back I tried to GIVE things away (new to market lights), no strings, I even stripped out any branding or mention beyond my name. It was not “approved”.

Folks often post links to OTHER forums about “new/unannounced” products coming out. I thought I could bring some of that firsthand to CPF rather than relying on 3rd party sources — but sadly I’m wrong.

That just means more for you folks though. We’ve given away two limited edition lights here in a very short time and more to come!

EDIT: The primary reason I liked CPF was the tapatalk integration. It made commenting on the fly so quick and easy. If BLF had some sort of app support I wouldn’t even think of the above…

We are happy to have you here, Ualnosaj! And your contests! You are a good example of how having dealers on a board can be a benefit and not a problem.

Hi dear friend! Yah, had sent you a PM about the deletion of your threads, i was actually missing a Sunwayman Ti+ thread the other day. Your posts and threads were definitely clean and free of any advertising. I think that CPF admin/mods have it in for you .. maybe because you arewere new and started a bunch of new threads as dealer and this got them annoyed or something. I do notice that other dealers start products threads too (LJ, ..) and are not treated by them as badly as you. So maybe dealers are to play a role on CPF proper as inconspicuous as possible; i would say that iG (Tod) and LJ (Jeff) kinda keep a low profile, good for them, stayed under the radar! Since for example the SWM Ti+ thread existed for a long long time with hundreds of replies, there is some possibility that a competing seller submitted a complaint against HIDC most recently. I dont know anything, though. It's just me guessing. And yes, this really sucks.

The dealer policy in question only encourages shilling.


Well, well . . . . I'm with Yellowhorse on this one . . . .


I have spent years on CPF, it was like a crack addiction. I could write a frackin book about the corruption of that place. But finally when CPF went down for the 267th time and they lost half of everybody’s posts I said enough is enough.

There are several people on that site who contribute sooooo much time and money helping other members out only to be ridiculed and personally targeted by the Mods who not only make rules but ignore them. I really wish some of the good members there would see the light.

I havent been around on CPF for 3 years, SheldonG. So how would I know? It is still news to me. Shocking news.

In another thread it was said:

So there we have it.

Burro@BLF = Norm@CPF (true!)

SheldonG@BLF = Burro@BLF (assumption)

And the conspiracy theory continues.. ;)

C'mon guys!

Let's not resort to name calling and posting Burro's password for everyone to see.

I don't think this is funny or cool. I think this has gone too far, and no, I don't even know Burro.

So you mean that wasn’t Burro that posted? & called himself a d**k? If not Burro, who posted in his name?

Keith (who don’t know what’s going on)

This is a funny thread. Im still a CPF member but never spent much time there, Well im
glad to see i think we have the best part here BLF. And i can see why your a tight knot group,
its probably the humor above all. And the occasional “stuck on the fence” that gets a butt kick back!


how did you find out it's this password lol?

Funny enough :crazy:

Burro found out his ‘own’ password & you wonder how he did it? LOL Who threw doze pies?

Keith (who don’t know who threw doze pies)

I almost subscribe to CPF. Only thing was I wanted to buy the modded maglites with LED & updated drivers. So wasn’t worth it for me to spend xxx amount to get info or connections. If these people aren’t into the business of selling their modded wares to everybody? Now I got TR-J12 & TR-3T6 there’s no use for 300 lumens Modded mag lites.