
What? Ya’ll don’t like :person_facepalming: contests?

Thanks! that’s the sort of talk I’m looking for! :)

Please tell me about these design flaws? I’m most interested in the ones relating to the E03H.

kramer , I couldn't say it better !!!!... What is the problem , nice people of CPF ...? If your favorite dinner restaurant goes out of business , you are going to die of starvation , or you are looking for an other one ?...Oh , if you want only "haram" , there is an other story...Life is offering so many opportunities ...

I like both forums because I enjoy using both budget and custom lights. BLF has always been better than CPF based on page load times and uptime.

I can’t speak on the model your looking for, but it’s usually driver issues they have. Or like the with the cometa some batteries caused a direct short. Also certain parts were agreed upon and used for the samples then when it came to production inferior cheaper parts were used. I wasn’t happy with the threads and anodizing with the s2. The u21 had driver and led failures. Even though other manufacturers run the xhp35 at the same currents. So I stay away from manker. I stopped keeping up with their models so much. If it’s in your budget my opinion is go with the zebralight. Here nothing but good things about their products and customer service

what is CPF?

Candlepower forums…

I see. :)

I’m asking about electrical and heat related flaws, as the beam on my E03H is nice, and so is the construction (which includes the threads). Already chipped off some anodising, but I’m used to that. :lol:

If the E02 disassembly photos that I’ve seen are any indication, the LED is on the same board as the electronics, and it has a DTP to a huge(relatively speaking) copper semi-cylinder, which in turn is in contact with the flashlight head. I don’t know much about these things, but I thought it was rather impressive. :o

So that leaves just the driver quality in doubt, I suppose.

EDIT: fixed link

Ok, if and when CPF comes back online, you start a thread there for BLF users to discuss random BLF news and forum status and see how long it stays unlocked and visible.


but it has to be with an established account. :)

A brand new account doing that would be rightfully seen as spam. ;)

Definitely start a thread… sent you a PM also

LOL, thank you :slight_smile:

I no longer post at CPF because I find the moderators rude, they hijack threads, and insult me. But I cant say anything back, or I risk being banned. And Greta has to be one of the most hostile moderators I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

I still read the forum for entertainment, and even send PMs to a few people, but I have lost all respect for the way the site operates.

As far as PWM, I took a lot of crap from other members there. I no longer find that fun. Most people dont care about the little details I find important. PWM, CRI, Color Temperature. So I no longer try to convince others about the importance of those factors.

but, if you ever want to have a private conversation, Im always willing to dialogue.

Happy Easter!

ps, there are two things I like better about CPF.
The Ignore feature, I wish we had that here.
The Preview feature, when I get an email about a new post, I can read the post without logging in to CPF.

And two things I dislike about both forums:

  1. The ridiculous number of “reviews” of the same light, over and over, because vendors game the system by giving away free lights.
  2. That I dont get free lights to review :slight_smile:

CP Who?


Never made account there, never will.

Understand yet why I/we do? I’m sure many more examples will come in this thread. And the aforementioned you can’t talk about blf on cpf or you would see it there. Please let me know if you need anymore assistance if your still not sure. More then happy to help

Looks like it hasn’t changed a bit from when I left 6 years ago.

Well put!

Back in 2011 I found BLF first, then read CPF for a while and there was a lot of talk about Surefire at the time so got the impression it was mainly about the real expensive lights, I was interested in low cost lights so I stayed away. I also read quite a few comments and replies that to me sounded condescending and somewhat narcissistic, including by some of the mods, and was even more put off, I wasn’t getting that impression at all from anyone here so I’ve been on BLF ever since.

I’m not upset with CPF, there’s good people there too, I’ve made very few posts but have found some good information, Occasionally by doing a web search I’ll find a review or something over there, (that’s how I found it was 404 recently and started the other thread) as someone else pointed out knowledge is power and CPF has some reference material too, but I feel like I couldn’t post about a real budget light over there, kinda afraid of what I would be told :stuck_out_tongue:

Also didn’t know you couldn’t mention BLF there, what would happen would they delete your post?

I agree.

Haven’t post at cpf in a looong time. I do miss several people there most are nice people. I dont missed CPF though. I wonder why i haven’t met prominent cpf members here? Are they still active at all?

In the interests of balance, I would like to note that I never had trouble discussing BLF or budget lights on CPF. The discussion of the BLF A6 on CPF was actually the thing that prompted me to take a look at BLF and eventually sign up here.

As for budget lights, I have a fairly substantial set of posts on how to decide what specification to order when buying an old model Convoy S2+ or related light:

Never been a problem. A decent number of CPF members took the time to say “thank you” as well. Some of you are here too :slight_smile:

More thoughts on CPF versus BLF here on the other thread.

I’m still a cpf member. I’m not on much but that’s mostly because I’m more into spinners now. Still like lights though.

You’re the reason I’m a member here! It took a while but I finally got it.

When you’re on a special interest board for long enough you notice patterns and changes and eventually it may not feel like it used to. Change happens.
Gunga sold or traded me the SC62 that really killed my interest in other flashlights for at least 2 years, took his advice to come here just to stay in the hobby.
A truly generous, thoughtful person. I’ve seen the amazing things he has done with flashlights, I can’t imagine the wild spinners he’s modding.