Cant decide upon which cheap 18650 XML zoomie to buy

are Ecig and Gorann the same person ( kind of like The Shadow and someone else….)?

that Gorann is not listed among members/users. i must have missed something, what happened?

Banned for continued disruption of the forum.

My interpretation is that Chicago X misunderstood one harmless joke about US and immediately gone mad, like here :slight_smile: YOu can wine and lie to the admin again to get some user banned, than all posts of that nick will be lost again (wich is pretty unimportant to me personally, but as I said posts and info will be lost, and discussions in wich that user participated will be messed up. )

I dont know, they all seem a bit overpriced, and that last one I wouldn’t buy no matter what :slight_smile: I mean, at least half of the head diammeter goes to the bezel :o