[CLOSED] 1000 posts- time for a GAW!

congrats on your 1000 post and count me in

Thanks for the contribution to an awesome community and Thanks for the giveaway, in please.

Good Day SawMaster,

Please count me in.

Thank you Very Much,


Congratulations and a big thanks for the oppertunity

Thank you for the generous GAW - makes sense to put the money in the hands of a BLF’er rather than the Postal Service….


Thanks for many meaningful contributions to the forum! I’m in, thinking of a nice use for 50 dollar, …….ahh, I know: a flashlight! :slight_smile:

Wow! Awesome! Count me in please! PayPal should be an easy enough way of getting the money to the winner. But, as far as I’m concerned, it could be a Mountain Electronics store credit!

Generous giveaway, I’m in!

Congrats on the 1K, count me in.

Absolutely! I’m in and I can just see the glow on the horizon from a new thrower!


very generous :slight_smile:

congrats to the 1k posts

i am not in
redraw if my number comes!

Thank you for the giveaway! (I’d likely spend the money on a 1504 build)

Very generous. Several more flashlights I’d like to own

Congrats and count me in!

Thanks! I will be in. :slight_smile:

I’m in, thanks!

congrats , i am in.

Please count me in . Congratulations on the rapid 1K posts and thanks for the great giveaway.

Congratulations SawMaster!!! :partying_face:
I’m in!! :smiley:

Congratulations SawMaster :partying_face:
Please count me in.