CLOSED!! GAW: M4D M4X´ 4k posts

My wife watching TV :slight_smile:

Looks like the same tumbler that @keltex78 posted above filled with water and my mouse.

I see a window sill with some 18650 batteries charging.
Thanks for the giveaway good luck to all.

My PC mouse and mouse pad, and a wall with a window that makes impossible for my phone to take a decent picture.

Thanks for the GAW :smiley:

I see a small table with a printer and a scanner in the background a white wall of my room

Thanks for GAW

If I look To My Right Side I see -> a freshly painted wall

Best Regards,


Thanks for the GAW!

Hmm. To the right of my desk is a window which overlooks my side yard & neighbor’s house. + right it’s stormy & so there’s a bunch of rain

Hello, thank you for this giveaway! I’m a bit ashamed of this photo… in the mess you can see my long time unfinished boombox, small box with my diploma thesis device, disassembled wireless keyboard that has dead lithium cell and my best thrower to search for sources of strange noises on the street :smiley:

A bench and 5 Windows. I’m inside a San Francisco cable car.

To my right I see the chair in my bedroom that is holding my clean laundry that I was, according to my wife, supposed to put away 3 days ago.

Thanks for the giveaway M4D M4X

My keyboard

A microscope and my co worker watching some film :slight_smile:

My favorite headphones: AKG Q701.

Thanks, M4D M4X!

The Sun setting colors are really cool yellowish orange red !
Thank’s A Lot ! No Pics. Still don’t know how to do it,
maybe blf will update it to make it really simple to upload pics.
Good luck !

Looking to the right side, a painted white wall with pictures frame.
Thanks for the giveaway.

I spy with my little eye, a white wall with white wire trunking along it.
Thanks M4D M4X for the GAW.

Thanks for the chance to win.

I see a partly eaten T-bone steak along with parts of a baked potato and corn-on-the cob.

My companion, friend and all round Good Buddy (to the right and down) Thanks for the GAW, M4D M4X good luck to All !