Closed - Giveaway - Nitecore EC4 Courtesy of Banggood - Winner is #110

I’m in, thanks!

I’m in. Thanks!

Nice looking light

Count me in

Doesn’t hurt to try.Count me in.
And thanks for the opportunity.

Winner is:

congrats for winner :party:

Thanks Old-Lumens for GA

Or maybe it will help you…lol

Congrats to keltex78! Your losing streak is over! :bigsmile:

Thanks again to Old-Lumens and Banggood for doing this Giveaway!

Congrats keltex78!

Congrats keltex78 :party: Never say never :slight_smile:

Holy Smokes Batman! I won!

This will be my first Premium top-shelf budget brand flashlight ever (since my original 3D incan Maglite about 20 years ago)! I'm looking forward to it!

Big Props to OL for hosting this giveaway!

Old-Lumens: you did it again. Giving us a chance to win a top-class flashlight. Thank you.

Keltex78: congratulations on your win. Now you know it can be done will we see more of you at the next giveaway’s ?
Spoiler-alert: why show us the cooling unit of the next price-winning flashlight of Old-Lumens. Couldn’t you wait a little longer?

Congrats to keltex78! :party:

Thanks to Old-Lumens and Banggood for the Giveaway!

Thanks for doing this giveaway. Anticipation was fun :slight_smile:

No hard feelings but I am also congrats to your
neighbor. . . . . .

Congrats keltex!

Congrats Keltex! Enjoy your new light :slight_smile:

Congrats to the winner! keltex78, you are so lucky!!

Congratulations keltex78, thanks OL for offering the prize