[CLOSED] Giveaway - Trustfire Flashlight with XML LED

Does this qualify?

If this doesn't qualify I'll replace it with only one flashlight.


My M10 will soon be upgraded with a NW XM-L and my custom mode KD V2 7135 driver, so I'll say that my favorite is Keygos M10, shown on the left.


Thanks for the giveaway! My fave is the ZL SC600w in the middle:

Which one is your favorite?

The heart of just a plain, basic Black Solarforce L2 2011

XM-L 3A tint on thick copper PCB with NANJG105 driver and 3 modes.

If it is necessary, I can also take pic of the L2 itself?

thanks for the give-away!

my sunwayman t20cs..duty belt light

I'd rather not decide if I don't have to... :)

But if I have to I'd say it's M10. It will soon be upgraded with a NW XM-L and my custom mode KD V2 7135 driver, so I'll say it's M10.


This is a really good idea. Get everyone to post photos of their favorites, fun to look through. I will post a pic of both my favorite light, a decision I agonized over, and my favorite flashlight hobby accessory.

Darn :bigsmile: Hate these "your fav light"... in singular :bigsmile:

Oh well, will put "one of my most used" 8)

Thanks for doing this , eg1977 .

( I don't want to be included in the giveaway , I just wanted to thank you )


N30 HID, maybe not my favourite light, but definitely my brightest!

Another one of my favourites; a Solarforce L2X with low profile crenelated stainless bezel and manafont XM-L 3 mode drop-in and OP reflector (this was my first XM-L too).

Great contest!! here's my fave, candle mode HD2010, 640x480

For an EDC, I still love my UF2100...tough to beat for performance/price

640 x 480 (following the rules)

A photo of my favorite lights and favorite accessory . . . Foybezels™


How much do Foybezels cost?

Love the bokeh.

Last Call

Thanks! It's the Nikon DX 35mm f1.8...and bokeh is something it does very well :)

If I'm not to late. I'll go with the first one that came to mind, my EDC Sipik SK68.

My favorite. S-Mini modded with warm white xpe and 60 degree optic.