January 29, 2018, 3:25pm
Hope I am not hijacking this thread. I am trying to decide if I should buy the XHP35-HI or the XHP70.2 version.
What is the benefit of having 3 XHP35-HI LED’S (instead of just one but with a bigger reflector)? Does it add range or does it simply produce more light at the given distance? (How) Does it also add flood effect at closer distances?
I already have a modded Convoy L6 with a FET driver, and an MF02 and GT on the way. How will the 35hi compare? (Obviously the GT will out throw it, but I’m curious in terms of the rated 7500 lumens at whatever rated distance).
How floody is the XHP70.2 version? Does the beam profile/spill compare to the MF01 or M43, or is it a bit tighter since the LED’s sit in deeper reflectors (like the Q8)?
I also already have a few flooders like the BLF Q8 (if you can consider it a flooder) and the MT01 (also looking forward to the MF03), and for my current purposes they are adequate. Clearly the MTO9R 70.2 triple will produce more light than both of these. I’m curious if some of you see the MT09R as somewhat of a more powerful Q8 (similar size).
Anything that helped anyone else decide?
Thanks Terry for all your time and effort.
Did you already see the screenshots of both lights? First post: HaikeLite MT09R Group buy Feeler(First Beam Shots)12-29-2017
Indeed, with 3 XHP35s you will have more lumens, brighter spill but a bit less range because of the smaller reflector. But the raw lumens power can compensate for this a bit. But still ~1000m should be pretty fine.