Thanks, I’d appreciate that, I like warm.
No WW in the 35 high... Sorry...
I’ve put my deposit down too. No point duplicating the info from PayPal. In fact is it even required/helpful to post in this thread?
Edit: 1 unit, 70.2, blue NW
It helps keep a running total of the number of lights. 300 is all for this group buy.
Exact details as long as you enter it into PayPal that is what matter most.
Just the number of units and maybe 35 high or 70.2 lets everyone know how many may be left.
Once the samples arrive and reviews get posted this will go very quickly...
Thanks very much
Thanks for organising this.
Am I correct in assuming that mass production colors will be white and black? Leaving the deep blue, sandy tan & green as the custom colors that won’t be produced again?

Terry White:nicois:
I’ve put my deposit down too. No point duplicating the info from PayPal. In fact is it even required/helpful to post in this thread?
It helps keep a running total of the number of lights. 300 is all for this group buy.
Exact details as long as you enter it into PayPal that is what matter most.
Just the number of units and maybe 35 high or 70.2 lets everyone know how many may be left.
Once the samples arrive and reviews get posted this will go very quickly...
Thanks very much
Terry Thanks for organising this. Am I correct in assuming that mass production colors will be white and black? Leaving the deep blue, sandy tan & green as the custom colors that won’t be produced again?
You are correct... I really tried to talk Dale into keeping that awsome blue color in mass production. It really does add extra costs and Haikelite gives customers one of the best if not the best feature rich professional lights around.
Lol still love that blue...
I have to see beam shots first. Everything else looks pretty good including the UI
Need to see tear down, check out build quality, build specs……

Need to see tear down, check out build quality, build specs…
Samples for the reviews have been shipped so it should not be very long now.
Lol If I have to take a sick or vacation day if mine happens to come on a night I have to work. I will get it posted as fast as I can.

I have to see beam shots first. Everything else looks pretty good including the UI
HaikeLite MT09R Group buy Feeler(First Beam Shots)12-29-2017
Thanks I didn’t see that before. Do you know if those beamshot picts are the XHP35 or XHP70.2 ?

I have to see beam shots first. Everything else looks pretty good including the UI
HaikeLite MT09R Group buy Feeler(First Beam Shots)12-29-2017
Thanks I didn’t see that before. Do you know if those beamshot picts are the XHP35 or XHP70.2 ?

I have to see beam shots first. Everything else looks pretty good including the UI
HaikeLite MT09R Group buy Feeler(First Beam Shots)12-29-2017
Thanks I didn’t see that before. Do you know if those beamshot picts are the XHP35 or XHP70.2 ?
35 high is the top one and the 70.2 is the bottom...
Deep blue 70.2 WW and 4 VTC6 18650’s ordered and paid in full. ($145) :sunglasses:
Just pre-payed for 1 deep blue 70.2 warm white.
I really don’t need this but damn, it looks too cool to pass up. Thanks for putting this together.
EDIT - I didn’t specify it in the paypal note, is it too late to request batteries as well?
EDIT #2 - I’m likely in for the charger as well Hopefully I am able to add the batteries and charger to the order I already pre-paid for…

Just pre-payed for 1 deep blue 70.2 warm white. I really don’t need this but damn, it looks too cool to pass up. Thanks for putting this together. EDIT - I didn’t specify it in the paypal note, is it too late to request batteries as well?
I think you can just do an order for those separately.
Terry, if the batteries are purchased with the light, will they be shipped inside or separately?

Terry, if the batteries are purchased with the light, will they be shipped inside or separately?
I think in the past they shipped them in thr lights but will be sure.
Dale says in the light.
Good news... Dale is adding to this group buy and this is cool.
Please see first post for this addition.
Good news… Dale is adding to this group buy and this is cool.
Please see first post for this addition.
I have already paid for my two lights and batteries in full earlier, how do I add this extra to my order? Send another 10.00 to the OP PP address and ask to get in on this offer?
Thanks Terry!