>> He says that they can get a driver design in China that is not open source for 33% less then my asking price.
>> I am already asking them for less then half what this work would be worth in the USA.
Seriously?! After all the #$@ Haikelite is responsible for in this GB, after all the time you’ve spent trying to help bail them out of this mess, now they’re considering stiffing you in order to save what, $2 per $180 light?
In this newly self-declared era of Haikelite’s improved quality control and customer service, this trainwreck of a GB had destroyed any faith I’d had in the brand. The fact that Haikelite was working with you (TA), or at least the fact I thought they were working with you on designing/producing new driver had done much to restore my optimism.
I’m pissed. Pissed that I never got the light I was promised, that I’ve spent so much time following this thread, caring about it, and that in the end Haikelite is even considering screwing over the BLF member who is essentially saving their ass in this GB. If this happens I will certainly never entertain buying another Haikelite, but will probably be inclined to voice my opinion every time Haikelite offers anything in this forum, point people towards this thread, other thread’s revealing details of Haikelite’s failures.
Also, I imagine many people chose not to pay extra to TA directly for his driver but were waiting instead to get a TA designed driver for warranty from Haikelite. If Haikelite instead chooses to “get a driver design in China that is not open source for 33% less”, you will not be getting a TA designed driver, and given Haikelite’s record, it STILL likely won’t address all the problems properly. If I were in that camp I would
Imagine, waiting maybe 4 months to receive new driver from china, likely having to spend your own $ for shipping if you need someone to install it for you, then waiting another month or so to receive light back only to find it still had issues because of crappy out-sourced driver? By then your 6 months of paypal protection will have been long expired. In fact, I imagine paypal protection will have expired by the time anyone receives a new driver from Haikelite, so it is a gamble either way. If it were a TA designed/tested driver then maybe their is hope that Haikelite will successfully arrange for its manufacture. At this point I think it would be incredibly foolish to trust Haikelite to oversee design and manufacture of driver when the consequence of failure is having no means to redress their failure (ie expired paypal buyer protection).
If they choose to go with non-TA driver, and you are still happy to have Haikelite product (despite their poking TA in the eye), why not wait for them to be produced, reviewed, see if they actually work? In other words, if Haikelite goes with non-TA driver, get refund now while you still can, purchase one later if they’re shown to work.