Closed: Relic's 2000 Post "Pick your prize" Giveaway

Awsome ! :bigsmile: Thank you so much !
i’m looking forward to recieving this light. :slight_smile:

congrats!! sounds like an awesome light :slight_smile:

Thanks for the opportunity, relic!

A real photon blaster!

This was a pretty cool giveaway, thanks!

Congrats to DenBarrettSAR!

Congrats DenBarrett!


Anything else you did other than changing the emitter? Nice light!

Congratulation DenBarrettSAR :beer:
Thanks too Relic38, very cool giveaway :star:

Congrats, DenBarrettSAR!

Congratulation DenBarrettSAR!

This was a pretty cool giveaway, thanks! :bigsmile:

Tivo, I also added copper to the springs, and changed the boot to a GITD green one. The red one was too squishy.
I’m including the red one, just in case DenB wants to switch it back.
More details are in my review thread, I think.
Edit, I also removed next-mode memory. :slight_smile:

Congrats DenBarretSAR, very cool prize, great giveaway!

Congratz DenBarrettSAR!
Thanks relic38! Pick your prize was fun, interesting to see what others pick.
Nice modded Sky Eye F13.

congrats Den! thanks Relic for the interesting giveaway format!

Nice Win! And a great idea for a giveaway, very cool! :wink:

Congratulations, DenBarrettSAR! :party: Nice mod and competition too, relic38! :bigsmile:

Congratulation DenBarrettSAR!

Great idea for a giveaway relic38!

Congratulations, DenBarrettSAR and thanks for the opportunity, Relic38!