CLOSED WINNER ANNOUNCED: Are you Psychic? Giveaway!!!

There are no electronic components inside the box

Not if your psychic! :bigsmile:

A shoe and a shovel! (I’m psychic! :laughing:

A contact triggered detonator connected to 1kg of syntex? :Sp

or more likely…

Beer and a glass. :beer:

A toaster and a slice of bread? :smiley:

Euuuuuuhhhhwwww!… dead things could be in the box? :open_mouth:

Nothing dead or nasty is inside the box…

A crystal ball and a magic 8-ball?
A crystal ball and a deck of Tarot cards?
A magic 8-ball and a deck of Tarot cards? :smiley:

Ummmmmmm ummmmm ummmmmm ummmmm ummmmm ummm shakalakah!

A red 1991 matchbox car in good condition and a lightly crooked toothpick with chicken juices and saliver on it !

I'll pm you my adress :-)

There are no thermal-nuclear detonators or chicken remains inside the box… :Sp

Can you eat it?


A cup and a dead potted plant.

Is there a tool?

Are either or both at least partially metal items?

Lika a screwdriver and a knife?

Technically in a sort of way…yes

Has some metal

Used for optical properties?

Like a pair of glasses or a magnifying glass?

The box does not contain anything made of glass

Another identical light and the package it will be shipped in. :slight_smile: