comfychair-inspired quick+cheap+lazy single-sided 17DD FET-driver (poor man's nanjg92)

Which one of those 2 kind can take heat better?

Edit: I bought smd resistors. 2515 package (0.1, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.15R) plus some ceramic cement resistors ones that looked good to me but guy has only 0.1 & 0.15 versions.

So that is total 270 resistors for 10$ :slight_smile:

Now I’ll try to search for higher resistance MOSFET with legs… Thanks.

Another edit: Those ceramic I bought seems to be larger than a whole driver. I saw that on one of user feedback.

However that ceramic one surely looks like it could be more thermally stable than regular smd one… IT would be great to find smaller version of that. There are no leg MOSFET with high resistance on ali.

Years ago, I bought some AK-47C1 drivers for this mod. Finally applied it today, but then I couldn’t find info on star configuration for the driver.
Found this pic on a Russian site, reposting here in case someone else needs it:

text version of the pic:

default: 100/30/5%/Strobe/SOS

  1. does nothing
  2. 100/5%/Strobe
  3. 100/30/5%
  4. 100/10%

I would expect these drivers to sell out at some point, I’m fairly sure that they are not made new anymore. But you still found some :slight_smile:

Edit: I see you mention: years ago


Where did you find them? It is almost impossible to find them now…. It was so impossible for me that I decided to invest some serious $ for developing of my own OEM driver…

But this AK47 C1 DIY driver is extra… Thanks Djozz 1000X times!

for the mod I used the ones I bought many years ago at banggood.
but the picture is from this russian site, maybe they still sell them: Драйвер 3*AMC7135, 1050mA, 17мм, Nanjg AK-47C1 5 режимов купить Минск