I would go with one or two ENB Tri-Powerbanks, one 18650 in every light plus one spare in the powerbank should be enough. They work pretty good as chargers but they take their time, charging over night should be no problem with a good power supply. You could take one of those waterproof 18650 containers with two last reserve batteries if needed.
As a second Headlamp take a look at Crelant CH10 (25 ish$ on Aliexpress) or Jetbeam HC20 from Gearbest .
Keeppower 18650 2600mAh are 4,95€/pcs at nkon.nl grab some of those.
I would get some tube style lights form Convoy, S2+ is a pure flooder but small and only 16$ (I recommend 1400ma). Order them with the preffered LED and tint. Convoy M2 ( with 2100ma is a good choice) is a great allrounder and still small if you’d like a little throw.
EDIT: Just noticed that Nkon has Armytek 18650 headlamps for cheap(less then 50€), you clould almost get two for the price of one HC90.
I would also recommend Zebralights from them, but most are sold out at this moment, if you want to wait some time that would be an option.