【convoy】M21H bezel available now

Temperature control only reduces the output of current, thus reducing the output of heat, but it does not completely prevent the temperature from rising.It just makes the temperature rise more slowly.After all, the size of the s21e flashlight is too small.

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Any update on the use of the T1616 chip that was strongly suggested for Anduril?

As thefreeman said:

  • this T1616 chip can actually fit the whole anduril firmware.
  • It also comes already temperature calibrated from the factory (attiny85 needs to be individually calibrated).
  • Finally, it only needs 3 wires to flash the firmware, which makes it easier even if the flashing pads are absent. (edit for grammar)
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Darn. Well, I can’t speak for anyone else, but if you ever make a Ti S21A, I’ll buy it.

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Among the types of threading there is one and I found out by counting the threads 4 rectangular and 5 trapezoidal with the other finer I don’t know but there are only 4 for rectangular, I don’t know where I read it.

My understanding with the 0.1%, 1%, 10%, 35%, 100% levels, are not exactly brightness levels, but more like power consumption levels.

Thus let’s say if 100% is 5 Amp, then 35% is 1.75A, 10% is 0.5A, 1% is 0.05A, and 0.1% should be 0.005A

However, power consumption and brightness may not track similarly (0.1% power consumption does not coincide with 0.1% of the 100% brightness level)

Or my understanding could be wrong…

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newer Convoy’s appear to use square threads.
(older Convoy’s use triangular/trapezoidal thread)

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I think this is what the new squares look like.

Separately tea makes you hesitate with the trapezoidal.

I count the thread threads in 4 are always 4 and in the other old ones are 5 full thread threads.

Thanks for the photos!

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

But isn’t it more a matter of layout than size? I mean, the Wurkkos TS10 manages it with only a
21mm head, it’s hard to believe your S21E with 27.3mm (70% more area!) can’t do the same…

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Yeah, the at1616 is much better than the at85 and it’s what all the recently-designed flashlights are using (cough Wurkkos TS10 cough).

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It is more of a layout problem than size, the driver of the Wurkkos TS10 is much smaller and has pads, as well as the driver for Emisar D2 (very small!!).

Switching to t1616 would be much better because it has space for the newest versions of anduril, as well as precallibrated temperature.

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Simon I have question for all your driver.
The level to chose are always “0.1%, 1%, 10%, 35%, 100%”
Why (for example) you don’t use 0.1%, 20%, 50%, 100%?
I ask, 35% to 100% isn’t a big gap for output?
Thank you for support

Not to be a jerk, but…
Personally, I like the gap between 35% and 100%.
These are the approximate levels that I would prefer, though I doubt it’ll happen:
1%, 3%, 10%, 35%, 100%

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If you are only looking at percentages it appears to be a big gap. But you eyes do not respond in a linear fashion to changes in brightness. So using 50% would not show a big jump to 100%. Then people would be saying there is not enough difference. For all of the convoy lights that I have with this UI, the perceived change in level form 35% to 100% is just fine. 50% to 100% would not work as well.

9 Thanks

Also, 35% tends to be around the thermally-stable-at-room-temperature level.
Think of 35% as a well-designed high mode, as opposed to the mini-lithium-death-kiln philosophy some manufacturers have adopted.

In the absence of LED heat, I’d prefer 0.1, 1, 10, 100 – pure logarithmic.

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By the way, although 100% is almost 3 times as powerful as 35%, visually it only appears 69% brighter because of the way that eyes work. :+1:

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6 Thanks

It didn’t even register with me that the 69% was funny until it was pointed out!

I wish there was a 35%-only mode, or a 35%-0.1%/1% or the reverse.

So far out of testing the 12-mode ui’s over several Convoy models over the years, I find myself using 35% more often than not. I use it even on lights with different max lumens ratings.

50% starting on group 9 is close enough, but I would prefer it at 35%.

At the moment I tend to use group 10 because it starts low. Even though it’s technically less clicks to get the 35% using group 2, I don’t like starting on 100%.

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I would love if Convoy’s set-once multi-mode control schema had a third fundamental setting…
Mode list setting
Memory setting
Scaling factor

Scaling factor would just scale every single mode existing modegroup down with a 1x, 0.75x, 0.5x, or 0.25x multiplier.
I’m not sure this could be done in firmware.

Looking at other… popular UIs… I don’t want to rock the boat too much though. I appreciate how simple convoy controls are.

Yes, that would also allow us not only to fine tune the power level, but studio also to swap leds with different power constraints.

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