convoy bd01 on sale

Sounds great, any details? Pre-orders?

just planning

what is the ui? how does the light turn on/off? do we cycle all modes in order to turn off the light? this looks like the convoy l4 without the tail cap switch.

Looks nice! Convoy is one of those companies doing it right.

Next year on my calendar is only 5 days away …. :slight_smile:

Anybody know the UI?
I can’t seem to find it, and I like this light.

I hope it will come as shiny and polished as the Convoy M2 that I assembled last night. Just a very thin layer of Arctic Silver under the XM-L2 U3 2A Noctigon was needed. The heat goes to the sides instantly.

Any chance of this coming in a host form?

Is it mechanical switch?

Yes, it’s a side mount clicky switch…odd…but they got it to work somehow

w/ the location of the driver and switch at the + end of the battery, a momentary controlled mosfet switch would be doable w/ a custom driver

Assuming it’s the same as the one I reviewed:
Low medium high strobe SOS
Standard reverse clicky operation

So the side switch turns on/off light and changes modes by half presses?
Does it require you to hold the switch for 1-2 sec to turn on/off light? Or do you simply cycle through the modes to turn off?

Can I have the link to your review please?t

It’s a mechanical switch, similar to tailcap clickies. Click on, half press to change modes, and a click to turn off. Mode memory after ~2 seconds on-time.

No cycling modes or press and hold to turn off.

Nice! Jus the way I would have wanted it. Thank you


I didn’t notice that it doesn’t offer two mode groups with the SOS and Strobe hidden, at least something like the stock Nanjg 105C in the Convoy C8. It is a minus to me. :frowning:

$34.99 is including the 15 percent discount?

press to turn it on or off ,half-press to switch the modes
