Convoy C8 365nm UV


mein Name ist Hannes, ich habe mir vor kurzem eine Convoy C8 365nm UV Lampe direkt bei Aliexpress im Convoyshop besorgt. Die Lampe ist auch echt super - hatte mich aber zuvor in Foren einwenig eingelesen - und da wurde beschrieben dass die LED Strommenge der C8 über 5 Stück 7135 Bausteine eingestellt ist. Ich habe beim Shop nachgefragt ob es möglich wäre dass man die Strommenge variieren kann - das ist ja bei anderen C8 Modellen schon Standard - und laut diversen Einträgen ist Simon vom Convoy Shop auch für solche Wünsche zugänglich.

Leider habe ich aber nur eine Absage bekommen (und angeblich nutzt er keine 7135 für die C8)- dass die Lampe standardmäßig eben nur 100% Strom kann. Daher wollte ich hier im Forum mal nachfragen ob jemand weiß wie man hier so etwas nachrüsten kann - und mit welchem Aufwand - ideal wären z.B 100 60 30 10 5% (5Modes sind ja meist bei den einstellbaren Lampen vorhanden).
Wenn wer da was weiß wäre das sehr nett - Entschuldigung dass ich da gleich ein Thema aufmache aber mit Suche habe ich da nix gefunden - umgekehrt schon - dass Leute mit mehreren Modes auf 1 zurückstellen wollten (heißt sst 40 - bin aber kein Elektriker - hätte aber gute Kontakte zu welchen).

Schöne Grüße aus Tirol Hannes

Hi, welcome to BLF! I modified my S2+ UV to have more modes, you can see more information in this thread.

Hi Azirine, many thanks for your response. Simon told me that there are no 7135 working in this C8 365nm Convoy lamp. The info I found on internet was that there are 5x7135 and that the current is a little bit to much for this LED - so that by desoldering 1x7135 there would be the max current for long therm use - written in the LED datasheet.

Perfect would be to have different modes so that you could change the current in field.

So I am not sure what to do - should I try to open the ring housing - to find out what it is built with? I hoped that maybe it is easy to change - by getting some new parts and changing them - but I am no Electronics worker - but I know some.

Nice greetings

Hi Gottfried, welcome to the forum! Unfortunately because of a patent issue here in the US, we can’t buy or even see Simon’s whole UV range on aliexpress - only way I can see those products from him is to follow a google search link or try to fool ali into thinking I’m in a different country. Irritating.

If this is the light you have, it looks like it has a buck/boost driver in it (which is great…big improvement over 7135 regulation for UV emitters):

That is a good choice for the light, overall, but also essential since it’s made for single or double cells, and when running two cells the voltage is too high for 7135 chips to handle, so a different approach is necessary.

Unfortunately that means that it’s not so simple to find a good replacement driver that has what you want and is also lower in output (suitable for UV…they are more sensitive to current and heat, not as robust as white emitters). They are physically pretty easy to change if you can do simple soldering and have a few basic tools. Basically you would need to unscrew the bezel, remove the lens and reflector, then desolder the two wires that attach to the copper mcpcb board that the emitters are mounted to. Then from the other side of the head you unscrew the threaded retaining ring (with circlip pliers) and can carefully pull out the driver from that side. I would assume that he is using a common 20mm size driver board in this light, but you’d have to confirm. The trouble is finding the new driver, though.

On the other hand, if you don’t mind using the light with two cells all the time it’s not hard to find a decent buck-only driver. Kaidomain (or their sister store on ali, the LHT Flashlight Store) have a few…not sure if they still have anything lower than 1500mA, which would appear to be the same current in the stock Convoy driver, but they might have 1200 or 1000. Richard at Mountain Electronics in the US still has a 17mm buck driver available in 1000 but the shipping cost might be prohibitive and you would also need to use a 20mm—17mm adapter ring to make it fit…or one for 22mm—>17mm if that is what is in there. 17mm 1A, 1,5A, 2A Buck Driver - 2.7V - 14V - 1 Mode He used to have a couple of 20mm versions but has not had those for sale for awhile.

For the most part 1500mA with that emitter is just fine, though…if running it for longer periods of time or in a use case that is different from a handheld light, the lifetime of the emitter may be shortened a little but it shouldn’t go Poof like when really overdriving with a lot of current. (I am assuming he is using the Luminus SST emitter…he used to have a nice model from LG but switched some time back to Luminus…but both are very good emitters that can handle the 1500mA nicely, much better in some aspects than the Nichia UV emitters.)

A buck driver is a preferred choice for UV emitters since they have a higher voltage need, which increases with added current, and that makes it hard for single batteries to keep up (they derate and reduce output somewhat quickly even with good cells, and heat exacerbates this). Using two cells and shedding the excess energy in a buck-regulated driver is more efficient magic and works well here. The boost function is great for single cells since it works to keep that voltage level up even as the battery depletes - so when the emitter is craving 3.8v but the battery has fallen to 3.6v, the light output doesn’t fall off a cliff since the driver raises it to suit. So…a buck/boost is great for UV but those drivers are scarce now. Buck only is an easier option, though. I didn’t know Simon was open to driver modifications but if he can/will do that, that would be great. If you change drivers, just be sure that the height of the components on the board will still fit into the recess where it sits (some inductors are quite bulky and some drivers use older tech vertical coil inductors that are taller, or the old ring-wrapped type).

You could also just buy a 20mm 7135 plain driver in the current and modes you want and put that in there for single cell use only. Works fine, but you just have to accept the lower efficiency and run time, keep a spare cell handy if you need to use the light for longer periods. In a C8 host those are slightly better than in the smaller tube lights like the S2+ since heat is better dissipated, but still some drawbacks.

Hope that helps you understand…wish there were a better quick answer and easier availability of the best drivers for this case! :slight_smile:

Hey everyone who tries to help. Yes Simon did modify the lamps in past - as buyers wanted - but he does not like to do so anymore - but he is selling drivers to do it by your own.
He told me that in this lamp there is no 7135 in use - and the current should be 1,2A - I asked as there were different values at the store.
I looked at the 7135 drivers and there are different types allowing 0,5 5 40 and 100% current and so on - and some say that you can ramp up/down current by pressing the button down - this would be the best. I have to find out if there are useful drivers with max. current 1,2A (even if 1,5A would not kill it emedeatly I dont want to do so) - and if they can be used with 2 and 1 18650 Konion V3 (8,4 to 5.6V) - if not - I am willed to work only with 2 of them - so not having a buck/boost driver.
I will speek with a friend of me - he is a good electical educated - I hope he den help me.

If looked for Videos how to change the platine of the C8 - does not look very hard - but finding the right driver is not easy for me.

Because an AMC7135 regulator can handle 0.35A, you should be fine with 4*AMC7135

The problem is that Simon from Convoy Store wrote that no 7135 is used in this lamp - this is maybe a consequence from the lamp that can use 1 and 2 18650 batterys - if I understand this correct (Correlux wrote this very interesting info above) - because of voltage higher and lower than used for the LED is possible - so a buck and boost driver is needed.

But many thanks that you wanted to help