convoy c8

Basically…no rings and no odd shapes around the hot spot.

hi could anyone tell me where I can get a star and led or drop in pill for my older version convoy c8.all info I have had I think is for the newer one.if I bought a new convoy c8 which would be best to buy for the furthest throw.

Any 20mm star should work. Think I previously pointed you at 2 of them, no?

I think I’d stick with dome-on LEDs for best focus.

Old model that had pill takes 16mm stars. I have several of those old pills that I don’t need but it would probably cost more to ship them to UK than you buying them from China if they are available.

Hmm, how old is old?

Type 2 has the integrated head, type 1 has the brass pill (that takes 20mm stars). There was one even before that?

I’ve seen 16mm rounds mounted on 20mm pills, so to be safe you can always stick with the smaller ones, even though it’s kinda funny-looking. :smiley:

I never saw or had brass pill in Convoy C8, wasn’t even aware there was a brass-pill model.
This is the one I only had:

I refer to it as a 1 Gen. Model that is currently active, with “integrated” shelf is Gen 2 for me!

Hi, does anybody know if could use the same spacer thickness with an XP-L HI and a sliced dome XP-G2?

I am going to replace the first one with the second one on my C8, should i do the focusing process again?

sorry lightbringer but my star has 2 screws holding it in.the ones you suggest has not.
I have had the flashlight about 12 months or so.

thanks for the offer but yes it probably would cost more in delivery.thanks anyway.

I modded an older version C8 for member Speed4goal a few weeks ago and it had a brass pill that took a 20mm mcpcb and a 17mm driver and had a retaining ring.

Unno. I call ’em “brass” based on the color. Not sure what they’re actually made of, but they’re not definitely not that orangey copper color like a new penny. (Clean unoxidised Cu is actually a sort of salmon-pink color, but doesn’t last more than a fractional-second in air.)

I’m referring to this critter:

I use these to replace the cheap-ass Al pills in C8 clones, that’re half the height and maybe a quarter- to third of the weight of these.

Anyway, most P60/P90/D26/whatever pills that I’ve seen are this brassy color.

Anyone know what they’re actually made of?

Oh yeah, the pill above takes a 20mm star.

Hmm, interesting, maybe it’s better I wasn’t aware of them :smiley:

Brass. :smiley: