【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

Simon, is this also your store?
Convoy Direct Store

With all due respect, I wouldn't call that a “FET driver”, as generally speaking when people says FET driver what they usually refer to are unregulated MOSFET drivers (which is nearly like “no driver”).

That driver does not have an average 98% efficiency. The efficiency of such driver is directly and very easily calculable: Vled / Vbat, quite simple because current is constant. See this and you will understand: Electrical Efficiency @ Wikipedia

When the battery is depleted and its voltage is very close to the effective led Vf (which will also be quite low because of the low current drive in these circumstances) then and only then the efficiency will be very high.

I would call these linear drivers, as they burn any excess voltage in order to maintain a constant load current.

Yup, that sounds right, Barkuti. This is an Op-Amp + FET linear current regulator. It’ll be efficient when the battery and LED VF are close. But with a full battery, the difference gets “burnt off” just like with an AMC7135 or similar.

Totally looks like someone else's store.

This is what happens out there when they can't figure out how to be successful by themselves, they blatantly copy someone else's motto.

I may be mistaken, but I believe his comment about the efficiency was in reference to his new driver which is not yet available on the store.

guys is there a data table of convoy flashlights like the zebra light one

already have s2+ and c8 as a reference point, would like to compare models short of buying each one to figure it out :wink:

New driver? That's grrreat. However, 98% efficiency? That's a very bold statement. I do not mean to say it is impossible, in fact I believe that everything's possible. However I don't take things lightly, and to me honesty and trustworthyness matter. For this reason I often find (chinese) advertisement claims ridiculous.

which country?


4040 gasket and board will be available in this week
driver will be available after 2-3 weeks

i have only one store:

Thank you for clarifying :crown:

I am definitely interested in this killer L21A . :partying_face:

And please reserve me some holsters for L21A / L2.
Or should I just drill a hole on the bottom of a M26A / M3holster.?

Saudi Arabia & UAE

I will keep a bottom hole in the holster, and I want the holster to be slung on the back waist instead of the side waist.

I have successfully operated in the background, but it will take 2 days to take effect.


With S21A in hand and S21B coming out, the only thing that comes to my mind is CLIP. Do you have any plans for making clips for these boys?

PS yes i am a deep pocket carry clip person, no matter what size of the light is...

My metal clips can be installed on them, but they will leave scratches.

I presume you are talking about screw on clip but i had i mind S2/S2+ clip

Which metal clip Simon ?
This clip?

anyway, is this clip also suitable for S2+ ? It only mentions “… for new C8,M2,S3”