【convoy】Golden S3 available now

If Convoy had only one LED type for each model it would be fine, but not when you can have 8 LED options to a single model.

The only possible way to do what you’re asking is for us all to buy a model with a different LED/Driver combo and test everything for Simon to add. Even then it would be messy

He almost always gives the amperage and driver information…that’s usually enough to calculate your own expected lumens and run times just knowing the basics. I think he’s always done it that way and he’s always up front about specs (as opposed to many, even after the ANSI standards were implemented). Sometimes he does know the specs you see in reviews, and he’ll tell you if you ask.

I agree that it would be nice to see on his product pages, as well as some kind of standardization of info listed (some items give more details/specs than others…but this is true for Sofirn and others, too). But he keeps quite busy and offers us a lot of tweaks and options, hunts down good bins of all the emitters he offers, etc. I’d rather have that than specs. :slight_smile:

I have asked Simon about some product specs several times and he always replied in detail and in time. That’s great! But every question I asked about could have been avoided by stating the specs on the product page in the first place. His great service could save time by just providing more information on Aliexpress.

Remember: Amazon same day delivery wasn’t established within a month. There’s no need to rush. But the things I mentioned could easily be done by cheap internship workers or any other low wage workers. No expensive engineer’s working hours would be needed to do the job. Nobody said that gaining a competitive edge would come free of charge. But let’s not forget: if some hobbyists can take the measurements and provide us with high quality information about any given flashlight, then the designer/manufacturer of the given flashlight can get the job done as well. In the end it would just be one more reason to buy a Convoy’s flashlight.

Any such chart would be useless except for one specific cell. Forget 30Q vs VTC5 vs 40T vs …, even cell to cell variation would come into play, as well as the slightest difference in resistance of springs, etc.

Especially at 100% where current thus lumens is determined almost exclusively by the internal condition of the cell and externalities like spring resistance (include dirt, oil, etc., on the surface), will contribute to variation. But if lower modes are proportional, they’d all change, too.

Hell, even their SOC, 4.21V vs 4.15V will have measurable differences in output. Not visually, but on paper. And when people get bogged down in numbers, they fret over insignificant differences.

You right. For me time graph are useless in most of time because of difference between capacity internal resistance of batteries and etc. Most interesting are sustained output and thermal control information from that type of runtime graphs.

the size of MCPCB and lens are all not suitable

Probably next spring

Oh,You are simply my soulmate, you know my thoughts too well. :smiley:
The proposal of question465 is very good, and this has always been what I want to do. Accurate data needs to be tested with an integrating sphere, which is indeed a lot of work. But I can fill in a rough data through the official LED DATASHEET to provide buyers with a reference.

I think he means something like Jaxman E2L

I see, he should means S21C

Maybe S21T T-triple. But 21? It’s for 21700 lights. S3 is 18650.
So the name should be S3T.
For the 21700 would go then in quad carclo optics.

I’m still used to using simple naming methods.
And I’m going to launch several kinds of flashlights with TIR lenses.

The Jaxman E2L is an 18650 light about the same size as an S3. The head of the light is built to fit a 20mm triple MCPCB and a Carclo 105xx series optic.

To make an S3 the same way would require less height between the shelf and lens, since the MCPCB and optic are shorter than the stock reflector. Also one hole for the wires drilled in the center of the shelf rather than two holes.

I don’t have a good channel to buy carclo lenses, And are not compatible in size.So it’s better to develop a new model of flashlight.

Triple in an S21c for example would be fine by me

I mean for a triple Led compact “cigar style” l8650 light,not 21700.
Yes design similar the E2L but less expensive.
Compatible with the square threads of S2+ for 18350 option and Lego
The Kaidomain lens maybe can fit

Looking to buy a convoy C8 in each color body, where the body matches the emitter output color.

I already got a blue/blue. Hoping I could add orange/orange, green/green, red/red, purple/uv. I thought I’d seen others post some of these combos, but I can’t figure out how to order. Maybe I need to ask for custom built?

Also wondering about the convoy z1 sst70 color temp (and if anybody has one or found a review).

Simon. What about 3X21A with SFH55. Would be a great flashlight

3xGT-FC40 even better!!

Or even better… 54x XHP200.3s !!!

God bless you Simon. :beer: