【convoy】Golden S3 available now

Actually there are more of them. I have two green ones, blue and purple.

it’s compatible

2 Thanks

Ok thanks, I’ll go buy some flat top 14500 battery that is common on the market and measure the actual length of it.

3 Thanks

Sorry, my German WEEE number is still being registered, and I have been registered for almost half a year.

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This policy has been in effect since July, and currently all products are blocked.

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16mm switch for S21A, 20mm switch for S21B

after Oct.

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Always nice to meet a fan.

But Martin Short is the best talk show guest of all time :laughing:

Whoa…the M26D just popped up on the store!

It says that it takes 26650 or 26800…looks like the extension tube is included, going by the photos. Love to see the 26800 supported, as I have a few dozen of them. I like the way the thicker lights fit in my large hands (and better runtimes too, obviously.)

I ordered one with the XHP70.3 4000K R9050, and now the long wait begins.

3 Thanks

I’m truly happy with my Wurkkos FC13 which has an exposed/rubber-flap-protected USB-C port with both charging and powerbank capabilities. Been using it for about a month now and haven’t had any issues with the flap coming out, if anything it’s the opposite (being too hard to take out in order to use the USB port) and I have had no water ingression mishaps yet (but then I haven’t tried submerging it or anything).

Also, USB charging takes the battery to 4.2V sharp as measured by both Anduril 3C-from-off and removing the battery and using a DMM.

The only thing I’m not sure yet is its powerbank funcionality (alas, the main reason I bought it): it appears to be unable to supply as much energy to my cellphone than my Fenix ARE-D1 using the exact same battery. Evidence is still anedoctal as I didn’t test it in truly controlled situations, but my impression so far is that it’s able to get about half the same energy to my cellphone that the ARE-D1.

1 Thank

Thanks for the heads up! :+1:

Yea, Sofirn/Wurkkos is a good example of well designed rubber flaps. Like I said there are a few exceptions. My IF25A and Acebeam EC35 II (and T36) have held up ok. I’m pretty careful with my lights though.

But many other brands I’ve tried, the rubber flap has been flimsy and/or prone to popping out accidentally.

And I’d rather they just not be there. Like jeffgoldblum said, integrated charging still adds size, weight, cost, and complexity that just isn’t needed. I don’t want to carry around a charger in my pocket every day - however much or little weight and bulk it adds, it’s still unnecessary weight and bulk.

If I’m going to need a charger, then I have to carry a bag with a cable in it anyway, so I might as well just have an Olight UC charger or Nitecore LC10 in there.

And if a light must have integrated charging, I just think there are better solutions than a rubber flap (a flap is cheapest, though). They are among the first things that will wear out, and you don’t know exactly when that will happen.

Anyway, I’m SUPER excited for the forward tail switches for the M21E/F/H!!!

I would LOVE to see forward switches on more Convoy lights! You could sell them separately as assembled tail caps. That way, only the people who want them and understand that the 12 group UI is harder to program can still get them. I’d buy forward switches for all my convoys.

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I did, apparently the information I had was wrong!
I updated my 2 previous comments.

Thanks for the info!

1 Thank

No problems, and I really appreciate your taking the time to update your comments!

This situation bothers me. One of my favorite things about Simon is how he always listens to what the flashlight community wants, and meets our demands with incredible speed. New host? Check. New driver? Check. New emitter? Check. And always upfront and honest about everything.

In the case of the 719A, however, the result is not good. I feel bad bashing this emitter because Simon got it at the demand of BLF and voluntarily sent it to djozz for testing, and pointing out issues with the emitter would certainly affect sales negatively. I hope Simon didn’t buy too many of them. Nichia really messed up, hyping this emitter with 3x the intensity of 519A and promptly falling flat on its domeless face.

5 Thanks

It was a sample that was sent to Djozz, from what Clemence said in the past, Nichia sends 100 free samples + shipping cost.
So if Simon bought reels it was after knowing the performance results. It was the same for the 519A BTW.

2 Thanks

Yep, Simon is awesome!
I like a few budget flashlights brands, but lately I’ve mostly been getting Convoy because Simon has been offering exactly what I’ve been looking for. :+1:

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I agree!

8 Thanks

I don’t think 719A is all that bad. In fact, a factory domeless emitter is a better solution, since if you just peel off the dome of 519A there is a big chance of glass separation, which can affect performance and reliability. 3x intensity maybe is achieved at nominal power.

My thinking is that I do need to carry around a powerbank for emergencies (like running out of battery in my cellphone during a long hike, specially a long off-trail hike as i like to do, because I use it for offline maps and track following and recording).

And if that powerbank can also be a backup flashlight and emergency charger (eg to recharge my batteries at a waystation in the middle of really long hikes), so much the better – less weight and stuff to carry around.

3 Thanks

That is all reasonable. But it is a specialized use case. I bought a few lights that can be used as power banks. In the years I have had them I have never used any of them for that purpose.

So most certainly, if one needs this, get a light that can do it. But that does not mean that it is a must have feature for lots of people. And there definitely liabilities involved. (Such as, once you have charged your phone, you probably don’t have much light time left.) Those should be well understood when making a choice. I pick a non-USB rechargeable light and power bank. Admittedly, I am not in a situation where I need to agonize over every gram in my pack…

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